When you try to open a Excel workbook, PowerPoint presentation, or Word document on your mobile device, you might receive a message stating that the file is locked for editing by another user. Typically, you will be able to open the file as read-only, but you won’t...
[Filename] is locked for editing by 'another user'[Filename] cannot be accessd. The file may be corrupted, located on a server that is not responding, or read-only.This can also happen when trying to open or save a Micr...
You are trying to open an Excel file and you get a message about the file being locked. Sometimes the file is locked by another user, and other times the "another user" is actually you. If you have locked the file yourself, it might be because the file is open on a different device...
之前明明测试通过了的使用SharePoint Foundation 2010和Word 2010的coauthoring特性, 今天却遇到了问题. 用户A打开在SharePoint上的word文档, 编辑, 可以保存. 同时, 用户B打开同样的文档, 看不到别人在修改, 编辑后点保存, 报错"XXX is locked for editing by YYY". 研究了下, 发现我们的文档后缀是docm, 即带...
You receive a "<FileName> is locked for editing by 'another user'" message when you try to modify a document in Windows SharePoint Services even though you are the user who previously opened the document http://support.microsoft.com/kb/899709...
User can edit a Word document in Teams. When trying to save changes the user gets the warning message "the file is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user". Is there a way to see the name of the user who is/was editing? If not possible for end users, is there...
Moreover, the corrupted file is 'locked for editing by another user' so I can't even delete it. I don't know about the xml thing, but I did see a warning message while running my script saying 'zip is depracated' so it is possible that my version of zip is not compatible with ...
I have an Excel sheet (not shared) stored in the company's shared folders, allowing any employee to access it. Normally, if someone is already editing the sheet, Excel notifies me that it's locked for editing and provides options to either wait for the other person to finish or open it...
Syntax: <fileLocked></fileLocked><createHardLink>The **<createHardLink>**element defines a standard MigXML pattern that describes file paths where hard links should be created, even if the file is locked for editing by another application.Syntax: <createHardLink> [pattern] </createHardLink>...
editing, an "Upload Failed" error message gets triggered - "This file is checked out by another user" - the error message also shows a user ID that essentially is the user that is trying to save the file back to Sharepoint. It seems that somewhere in between, the session was lost and...