可以引入扩展 .so文件 ,hook函数,达到绕过 disable_functions 来RCE的效果 PHP_ADMIN_VALUE[‘extension’] = hack.so 生成.so 攻击SYSLOG 可以写日志,这点略过 利用http协议 如果不打算从协议角度突破那就是可以利用出各种基于http协议web应用或者中间件或者服务,比如spring,zabbix等等 http protocol smuggle 思考一...
file_get_contents 本地文件包含(LFI) Local File Inclusion (LFI-本地文件包含) 针对Web 应用程序的 LFI 攻击通常是由于开发人员缺乏安全意识而导致的。 对于 PHP,使用include、require、include_once和require_once等函数通常会导致Web 应用程序易受攻击。 在本文中,我们选择分析的语言是 PHP,但值得注意的是,在使...
如果服务器端程序对访问URL所采用的协议进行验证的话,可以通过非HTTP协议来进行利用。 比如通过gopher,可以在一个url参数中构造POST或者GET请求,从而达到攻击内网应用的目的。例如可以使用gopher协议对与内网的Redis服务进行攻击,可以使用如下的URL: gopher://*1%0d%0a$8%0d%0aflushall%0d%0a*3...
昨天看了篇文章一次“SSRF–>RCE”的艰难利用,被里面的各种骚操作给秀到了,发现file_put_contents这个很有意思,绕过<?php exit();GetShell也经常有人提出不同的思路,这里简单的做一下测试的记录。 file_put_contents($filename,”<?php exit();”.$content);Cy...
The shell does not give us the privilege to change the directory. So, list the contents of directories and get the flag using../ Exploiting GitLab File Read RCE using MANUAL Approach We know that there are two different issues on the target Gitlab server. The path traversal vulnerability al...
Since the arguments are populated from the contents of the file, an attacker could leak the file contents this way. For this purpose connect-node command in hudson/cli to be a good candidate: it receives a list of strings as an argument and tries to connect to each one. If it fails, ...
Thanks Acamar,I posted the two error messages I get in my first post.Just to be clear this is a vb.net desktop application, so there is a .resx file for every form. If I look at the differences using Git i can see what changes when I move a control on the form....
使用file_get_contents 函数读取 php://input ; 使用json_decode 函数解析 POST 数据; 使用解析后的数据进行后续操作。 需要注意的是,使用 php://input 时需要确保请求数据采用 POST 方法传输。 3.php包含漏洞函数 文件包含漏洞也是一种“注入型漏洞”,其本质就是输入一段用户能够控制的脚本或者代码,并让服务器...
$filename=$_GET["filename"]; Include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$filename.".php"); In the above example an attacker can pass a specially crafted filename and include arbitrary file from the local system. Due to the nature of the PHP language, contents of any plain text file wil...
The file system change monitor generatesaudit eventswhenever any process changes, deletes, or adds to the contents of the$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/directory. When you start an on-premises Splunk instance for the first time, it generates an audit event for each file in the$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/directory an...