Storage::disk('s3')->put('avatars/1', $content);On-Demand DisksSometimes you may wish to create a disk at runtime using a given configuration without that configuration actually being present in your application's filesystems configuration file. To accomplish this, you may pass a ...
Laravel's Flysystem integration provides drivers for several "drivers" out of the box; however, Flysystem is not limited to these and has adapters for many other storage systems. You can create a custom driver if you want to use one of these additional adapters in your Laravel application. ...
ini_set("user_agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)"); $data_content=file_get_contents($url); 但是最好的方式还是使用 curl 来抓取就行了,看来还是curl比较强悍
在Laravel中,你可以使用`file_put_contents`函数来写入文件内容。下面是一个简单的示例: ```php $content = '这是要写入文件的内容'; $file = 'path/to/'; //使用file_put_contents函数写入文件内容 file_put_contents($file, $content); ``` 在上面的示例中,`$content`是要写入文件的内容,`$file`是...
This is the corresponding code in my controller if(Input::hasFile('file')) { $file = Input::file('file'); $file->move('uploads', $file->getClientOriginalName()); $uploadPath = '\\uploads\\'; $filePath = $uploadPath . $file->getClientOriginalName();...
get file contents$contents=$disk->read('folder/my_file.txt');// fetch url content$file=$disk->getAdapter()->fetch('folder/save_as.txt',$fromUrl);// get file url$url=$disk->getAdapter()->getUrl('folder/my_file.txt');// get file upload token$token=$disk->getAdapter()->get...
For large response bodies, you may want to use a dump of an actual response. You can put this response in a file (as a JSON string) within your Laravel storage directory and link to it. For instance, we can put this response in a file namedusers.get.jsoninstorage/responses: ...
In-browser image editing and previews make upload preparation easy. Now, let’s get to the 3 helpful Laravel file upload tips: Tips 1: Use the official PHP SDK for Filestack API and content management system Using the PHP SDK Filestack API and content management system, you can efficiently...
$route_file = \File::get(app_path() .'/routes.php');if(!strpos($route_file,"'prefix' => 'admin'")) { \File::append(app_path() .'/routes.php', $content); } } 开发者ID:onesquarepixel,项目名称:mine,代码行数:8,代码来源:MineRepository.php ...