When you file for bankruptcy, what happens to your car will depend on several factors. These include bankruptcy exemptions in your area, the type of bankruptcy you file, if you owe money on your car, and how much money you owe. In many cases, you will be able to keep your car as lo...
Try to keep your car and house after filing.Many people considering filing for bankruptcy worry that creditors could come after their car or house. While the laws vary by state, many consumers find themselves able to hang on to both assets. In Wisconsin, say Resop, if you continue to make...
"People typically file for bankruptcy for one of three reasons: a job loss, a medical problem or a family breakup — and when they do, they're faced with an expensive and complicated system," the Massachusetts Democrat said in a statement in reintroducing the bill, known as the "Consumer ...
Keep all documents relating to your bankruptcy You should keep all court documents, correspondence with your attorney, and the discharge that is mailed to you at the conclusion of your case for at least ten years, as this is the length of time that a bankruptcy stays on your credit record....
CIT Group (CIT) intends to file for bankruptcy protection in New York within days, perhaps as early as Sunday, the WSJ reports, citing people familiar with the matter. The filing, which was overwhelming approved by creditors in support of a prepackaged
If you have cosigners or guarantors on your debts, your decision to file for bankruptcy will affect them. Learn how you can protect them when filing bankruptcy.
to file for bankruptcy→ presentar una declaración de quiebrato file for custody (of children)→ reclamar la custodia (de los hijos) file3 [faɪl] A. N (= row)→ fila f, hilera fin single file→ en fila india B. VI to file in/out→ entrar/salir en filato file past→ ...
Delta plans to file for bankruptcy, consultant says; Filing may come Wednesday; airline would keep flyingHARRY R. WEBER Associated Press writer
Filing for bankruptcy is sometimes the right decision, but it is not without consequences. Those include: Your credit will be shot.Anyone considering bankruptcy needs to keep in mind that theircredit reportsandcredit scorewill take a major hit—one that can last for years. In the case of Chap...
Bankruptcy does not come without cost, however. In the short term, it is recommended that you hire an attorney to walk you through the process, which means you need to be able to pay those fees. In the long run, bankruptcy will remain on yourcredit reportfor seven or 10 years, dependin...