The chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable. The driver can be downloaded at 升级到最新版就可以了Selenium.WebDriver.4.12.4\lib\netstandard2.0\WebDriver.dll...
你是不是把备份文件删了,【file or directory does not exist】意思是文件不存在。
If your GitHub Pages code references a file that doesn't exist in your _includes directory, your GitHub Pages site will not build. If you reference a file that doesn't exist in your _includes directory, you'll get an email that looks like this: Subject: Page build failed The p...
The license file name in the activation command is incorrect. The license file fails to be uploaded. The license file is not copied to the slave main control board. Procedure Check the license file. dir Directory of cfcard:/ Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName ... 8 -rw- 13,012 ...
您好,您先备份数据,然后使用机器自带的一键恢复功能恢复系统 下面是一键恢复的方法 如果一键恢复损坏,在购机一年内可以到服务站免费恢复硬盘出厂设置,下面是服务站的查询链接,您能查到详细地址以及联系方式 联想维修站点查询:...
file or directory does not exist的意思是不存在文件或目录。例句 1 Cannot create freeze file “% s ”. Directory is read-only or does not exist.无法创建记忆文件%。文件夹是只读的或它不存在。2 Look in: a specified directory or file is not available or does not exist.查找:指定...
可能你机器上就没有ksh环境。第一行改为下面这样试试:!/bin/sh 或 !/bin/bash