This article reports on two related studies about varying pathways to the resolution of family disputes and the effects of family justice reforms in Ontario: a survey of family court professionals ( n = 118) and an analysis of 1,000 closed court files of family cases involving children. ...
IsoBuster recovers file data, photos, video, documents, images and more from optical media, CD, DVD, BD as well as all Flash media, MMC, SD, Micro SD, SSD, Compaq etc. and last but not least Hard Drives
it is Seanan McGuire, who writes prolifically and addictively (for readers) who holds Court in that space today. Take the 18 books of the October Daye series, featuring her half fae half human titular protagonist living in San Francisco and trying to navigate Fae courts ...
A lot has happened since the end of the Hugo Awards Ceremony nearly eight months ago; most notably an extensive delay in the delivery of a number of Hugo Award trophies won by those residing outside of the People’s Republic of China (estimated to be 29 in total) to the United States ...
c. The Attorney General of Canada Respondent Le procureur ge´ne´ral du Canada Intime´ and et The Attorney General for Ontario, the Attorney General of Nova Scotia, the Attorney General for New Brunswick, the Attorney General of Manitoba, the Attorney General for Saskatchewan, the ...
Court documents for the Trust are on file in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Division, In Re: Mid-Valley, Inc., DII Industries, LLC, Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc., KBR Technical Services, Inc., Kellogg Brown & Root Engineering Corp., Ke...
Procureur général du Canada au nom du ministre de la Justice Intimé et Procureur général de l'Ontario, procureur général du Québec, Association canadienne des libertés civiles, Association des libertés civiles de la Colombie-Britannique, commissaire à l'information et à la protection ...
“I think a writer’s notebook is the best way in the world to immortalise bad ideas. My idea about a good idea is one that sticks around and sticks around.” Terrible advice, for one simple reason: none of the rest of us are Stephen King. He’s written around 70 books. He write...
(2)GILLER PRIZE.TheGiller Prize 2024 winner–Heldby Anne Michaels — was announced on November 18. The Prize is a celebration of Canadian literary talent. Heldmay be a work of genre interest – or a historical novel that jumps around in time (even into 2025). It’s not easy to decide...
Doctrine et autres documents cités Canada. Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor. Commis- sion du droit d'auteur Canada. Rapport sur le ren- dement pour la période se terminant le 31 mars 2003 (en ligne : archives/20060118021938/