【TCL编程】关于file操作的cmd集合 TCL中一组用于文件处理的命令。 file subcommand name arg ... file atime name返回文件的最近存取时间。 file dirname name返回name所描述的文件名的目录部分。eg:source [file dirname $argv0]/vxTestCommon.tcl file executable name返回文件是否可被执行。 file exists name返...
l file nativename命令: --> 返回原生格式的文件名称 l file dirname命令: --> 移除文件名称中的最后一不部分 NOTE: 这个命令的功能就是得到包括该文件的文件夹的名称。所以最后一个文件,得到的就是.。即当前文件夹.l file ...
file join命令能够让脚本不因此受限于某种平台,如Unix或Windows 假设某项中有空格,用{}组织起来,再传给join. lfile split命令:-->文件名称拆分 lfile nativename命令:-->返回原生格式的文件名称 lfile dirname命令:-->移除文件名称中的最后一不部分 NOTE: 这个命令的功能就是得到包括该文件的文件夹的名称。所以...
or if target does not exist, an error will be returned. Otherwise, Tcl creates a new link called linkName which points to the existing filesystem object at target (which is also the returned value), where the type of the link is platform-specific (on Unix a symbolic ...
procreadText { infile } {setin [open$infiler]# get the path to the parent directorysethostDir [filedirname$infile]settempfile"$hostDir/temp.rib"# open/create a temp filesetout [open$tempfilew]while{ [eof$in] != 1 } {gets$inlineputs$out $line}close$inclose$out} ...
set PATH_SCRIPT [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]] if { [ catch { source ${PATH_SCRIPT}/AuthIRC.conf } err ] } { putlog "::AuthIRC > Error: Chargement du fichier '${PATH_SCRIPT}/AuthIRC.conf' > $err" return -code error $err } ### # VARS INIT # ### @@ -74...
set tcl_version [info patchlevel] set path_script [file dirname [info script]] set script_name [file tail [info script]] set root_name [file rootname $script_name] set compiled_library tbcload17.dll #Load TBCload load "${path_script}/${compiled_library}" #Load compiled source source ...
File "tkfilebrowser\functions.py", line 101, in askopendirnames File "tkfilebrowser\filebrowser.py", line 210, ininit File "tkinter_init_.py", line 3545, ininit File "tkinter_init_.py", line 3501, ininit _tkinter.TclError: couldn't open ".\tkfilebrowser\images\file.png": no suc...
-dir dirName Directory to extract to. Uses pwd if none is specified -file fileName Only extract the file with this name. The name is matched against the complete path stored in the archive including directo- ries. -glob pattern Only extract files patching this glob style pattern. The ...
set if_lut_1024x16_origin_dir [file dirname [info script]] set if_lut_1024x16 [create_ip -name dist_mem_gen -vendor xilinx.com -library ip -version 8.0 -module_name if_lut_1024x16] set_property -dict { CONFIG.depth {1024} CONFIG.memory_type {rom} CONFIG.output_options {register...