打开xlsx文件时发出警告,选择Sheet工作簿时内容为空 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\openpyxl\reader\workbook.py:88: UserWarning: Filecontainsan invalid specificationforSheet1. This will be removed 问题原因 其他格式文件保存为xlsx文件时选择了《Script Open xml...
系统出现这样问题,是由于硬盘坏道引起,新的SP2,SP3系统可以由光盘直接启动进入系统,在里面可以安装系统,但是问题还会出现,下次开机后,就又会出现Invalid drive specification,bad command or file name的提示,系统又无法启动,所以这个是治标不治本,最好的办法,是修复硬盘坏道,物理性的修复硬盘分区...
Ok, thank you. I couldn't think that that was the problem from an "invalid file specification" error, so thanks for the help. Your postscript assumes either Stata (or you) would want to -set tr on- all the time, I think. Or somehow magically reach into the guts ...
应该是刻录的光盘有问题。你从哪里刻录的?是盘与盘对刻?还是在别的电脑上用镜像文件刻录到光盘里的? 如果是盘与盘对刻的,用原始盘试一下,看是否还报这个错误。如果是镜像文件刻录的,那么把这张刻好的盘放在另一台电脑上试着安装WIN7,看是否仍然报这个错,如果是,就肯定是光盘刻得有问题了...
When I run it manually after the do file has stopped I get the error: 'invalid file specification'. Does anyone has experience with this? foreach n in 30 1600 { local j = 1 while `j' <= 1000 { quietly { preserve sample `n', count noisily di in yellow "." _continue gen...
Hello, I'm trying to do something for several files, using a loop. But somehow, it doesn't work and the error message "invalid file specification" doesn't really help. #delimit; forvalues x=1/4 {; if `x'==1 {local bestand="parsed_cfd.txt"; local zk="cfd";}; ...