The complaint mirrors a similar tactic attempted by lobbyist group France Digitale, which filed complaints in Octoberand Marchto the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL). The group had issues with the effects of ATT itself, as well as how Apple seemingly...
“As a child, I loved reading fantasy – CS Lewis, E Nesbit, JM Barrie and so on – but when the librarian offered meThe Hobbitand said “it’s about little men with hairy feet” I recall giving her one of those withering looks only children can give. Why on earth would I want to...
23.L/F Lost and Found 客人遗留物品 24.MOD Manager on Duty 值班经理 25.SK Standard King 标准单人间 26.ST Standard Twin 标准双人间 27.DS Deluxe Suite 豪华套房 28.BS Business Suite 商务套房 29.CR Connecting Room 公寓套房 30.PA Public Area 公共区域 31.EK Executive King 行政单人间 32.ET ...
quality); this issue mainly concerns the environmental impact of various industrial activities (i.e., tanneries, refineries, slaughterhouses, distilleries, civil and industrial wastewater treatment plants, landfills and composting plants) as sources of olfactory nuisances, the top air ...