You can generally expect an insurance claim to be filed against you if you were in an accident. Sometimes, though, this may come as a surprise, like if you were parked next to someone who notes damage on their vehicle. In such an event, your insurance carrier will contact you promptly ...
The IRS has restrictive guidelines for determining who needs to file, which means even if you don't owe, you may still have to submit a tax return.
claim all applicable tax deductions and credits file your tax return with the IRS Below breaks down each step necessary for filing taxes online, starting with the forms you need. What tax forms do I need for online tax filing? Consider creating a folder for your tax return at the beginning...
What Is a VA Claim? VA claims allow veterans to access disability compensation, which provides monetary aid to those with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers and conditions. Disability compensation is tax-free and usually paid monthly. 20+ years Combined experience our VA-accredited ...
They join more than180,000other historical markers dotting the country’s landscape, and NPRfoundthey wouldn’t be the first to claim something that may, or may not, betrue. There’s amarkerin Massachusetts that claims the town was once home to a real, live wizard. New York has amarker...
The police will need to confirm you are who you claim to be. Arrive prepared with official documents, including: Your government-issued photo I.D., such as a driver’s license, Social Security card, or passport. At least one item that provides proof of address— clearly displaying your ...
Will my information be confidential?The information you provide will remain confidential to the extent possible. However, we may need to divulge information to investigate your claim. Who can file a complaint?Any individual may file a complaint. Members of the workforce may use this form to repor...
Don’t talk to an insurance company without the guidance of an attorney. What you say can possibly be used against you in your case. Talk to a lawyer first before talking to anyone else about your personal injury case. Is getting a personal injury lawyer worth it?
It also depends on whether someone else can claim you as a tax dependent. Even if you don’t have to file a tax return, there’s a good reason you might consider doing so anyway: You could qualify for a tax break that could generate a refund. Lower-income taxpayers, for example, ...
Charitable donations. Charitable donations are a tax-deductible expense; however, the amount you can claim is limited to a percentage of youradjusted gross income (AGI).8 Educational expenses. Education expenses are money paid for tuition, fees, and other related expenses for an eligible student....