开始执行[测试变量]的[输出RuntimeVariable变量脚本]开始执行[输出JENKINS_PARAMS_DEPLOY]的[echo 部署全部]命令 bash: no job control in this shell 部署全部执行完成[0] 开始执行[输出JENKINS_BUILD_URL]的[echo]命令 bash: no job control in th...
export JAVA_HOME="${NATIVE_TOOLS}${SEP}openjdk17_last" MVN="${COMMON_TOOLS}${SEP}maven3-latest/bin/mvn -V -Dmaven.repo.local=${WORKSPACE}/.repository/ -B -ntp" BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`date -u +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` pom=${WORKSPACE_SAV}/quarkus.jdt.ext/pom.xml pomVersion=$(grep "<...
kubectl label nodes future jenkins-jnlp=yes 再次执行构建,OK。 (3).参考资料 1.Cannot start jenkins agent pod from podTemplate in a separate yaml file https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-66058 2.Kubernetes plugin for Jenkins https://plugins.jenkins.io/kubernetes/#documentations...
rawBuild.getActions(jenkins.model.InterruptedBuildAction.class).isEmpty()) { // If there are interrupted build actions, this means the build was cancelled, probably superseded // Thanks to https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-43339 for the "hack" to determine this if ( currentResult...
You can generate all the parts with the snippet generator but you have to put it all together in your defined stages. Maybe you can start from examples or search in github for jenkinsfile But be aware of the two different flavours of the Jenkinsfile: scripted declarative Share Improve this...
I have created new jenkins job, in which I want to execute a Jenkins file from a particular folder. I have created one folder in my project named pipelinescript, in which I have placed my Jenkinsfile. But when I am executing that job the file has not been detected. In script path...
当你在job中配置了,要使用该指定名称“my-jenkins-SonarQube Scanner”的工具(当然,如果不指定,因为没有默认值,所以会在job配置页面上报错,红字提示),然后在“立即构建”时,才会去下载该工具。 并不是这里点了自动安装,点击保存后,马上就会下载安装的。
1)新环境部署Jenkins持续集成环境,这里不在详细说明安装过程; 2)直接把旧的Jenkins家目录下得jobs目录通过scp得方式进行传输到新得环境下; 迁移完成后启动新环境Jenkins服务,构建项目控制台输出如下: 观察控制台输出到最后,项目是构建成功得,而且不影响运行。