However, if your heart has been pulled into cosmic taffy, boiled in acid in a dutch oven full of tears, shattered once it reaches the hard crack stage on a candy thermometer, and fed to the monsters that live under your bed after it has been ripped from your chest, pulped under foot,...
(5)MEDICAL UPDATE.The Daily Beastadds details as“Jeremy Renner Shares Photo From Hospital Bed After Snowplow Accident”. Renner’s Instagram photo ishere. In his first post to social media since he was run over by his snowplow on New Year’s Day,MarvelactorJeremy Rennerthanked fans and frie...
"op.add_option(\"--report\",\n", " action=\"store_true\", dest=\"print_report\",\n", " help=\"Print a detailed classification report.\")\n", "op.add_option(\"--chi2_select\",\n", " action=\"store\", type=\"int\", dest=\"select_chi2\",\n", " help=\"...
Westchester Wine School Brings French Wine Scholar Program to NYC The French Wine Scholar Study and Certification Program is the most comprehensive and accurate program on French wines, providing current, accurate and in-depth information on the wines and wine regions of France. Developed and administ...
SOURCE:‘Pandemic Drone’ Conducts Initial Flights Near NYC to Detect COVID-19 Symptoms RODRIGO DUTERTE: My orders are for the police, the military and the villages: Shoot them dead! SOURCE:‘Shoot them dead’: extreme Covid-19 lockdown policing around the world ...
To add insult, aVarietyreportsuggestedRohirrim’s American producers only made the film as a licensing maneuver. On this account, it had never mattered ifRohirrimmade money or not. New Line Cinema and its parent Warner Bros. just needed a Middle-Earth film –anyMiddle-Earth film – so th...
Maybe you should start withEscape from New York, with a vision of NYC after its transformation into a prison that has been imitated (even by Carpenter himself!) but has never, ever been surpassed. It IS the movie that helped cement the career of Kurt Russell, after all. But to work the...
He was last seen orbiting our cinemas five years ago, when the average big-screen astronaut was less inclined to explore strange new worlds or fight bug-eyed monsters than to sit in a tin can feeling sorry for himself. Ryan Gosling was grief-stricken inFirst Man, Brad Pitt had issues in...
-defendants was Dragon Con co-founder Ed Kramer. He worked for a private investigator tracking the activity on a WireShark monitoring system the judge had installed on her computer, under a belief the DA was spying on her. AnAtlanta Journal-Constitutionarticle quoted from the panel’s report:...