Six years after a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing If you find yourself facing an even more serious financial problem during these waiting periods (such as unemployment, an eviction, foreclosure, or car repossession), you won’t be able to file again. ...
In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a court-appointed trustee will sell the non-exempt assets, and the funds generated will be distributed to creditors to satisfy a portion of the outstanding debt. The remaining eligible debts are then discharged, providing the filer a fresh start. One key advantage of ...
In a Chapter 7 case, if the bankruptcy trustee finds assets of the debtor that he or she can sell or liquidate, he will notify the creditors that there will be a distribution. In that case, you will be notified of a deadline to file a proof of claim form — a form you must file...
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney may chargefees between $1000 – $3000, so it can be important to consider if you can afford those payments. Thankfully, many attorneys offer payment plans to make it more affordable. Also, another thing to potentially consider is how much time you have. There...
Find Your Best Bankruptcy Filing Option Based on your understanding of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies, use this interactive guide to explore whether you should file for bankruptcy before, during, or after divorce in Texas. Answer the questions below to see what suits your situation best: ...
Diamond Comic Distributors, a linchpin in the distribution of comics to comics shops since it was founded in 1982, has made a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing in the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland. According to the filing, Diamond has received $41 million in debtor-in-poss...
Bankruptcy attorney Millard Ramsey helps people file chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy in Chattanooga and the surrounding areas. Call 423-464-4500 for a free consultation today.
Diamond Comic Distributors, a linchpin in the distribution of comics to comics shops since it was founded in 1982, has made a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing in the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland. According to the filing, Diamond has received $41 million in debtor-in-poss...
Bankruptcy is usually seen as such an extreme situation, mostly associated with a failing business being forced to close down than anything else. But as the
Bankruptcy is a legal process that allows you to discharge many different types of debts, eliminate calls from collection agencies, and begin rebuilding your financial life. The two different types of personal bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, allow you to discharge your debts through liquidatin...