The opinions expressed are strictly those of the contribu- tors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SCCF, its officers or members. 4 RANK & FILE MAY-JUNE 2005 22nd Annual U.S. Amateur Team West It was youth versus experience at the 22nd Annual U.S. Amateur Team West – ...
Freed Received: 17 April 2016; Accepted: 19 June 2016; Published: 23 June 2016 Abstract: Influenza A viruses (IAV) cause annual seasonal human respiratory disease epidemics. In addition, IAV have been implicated in occasional pandemics with inordinate health and economic consequ...
Standard Deviation, Sharpe Ratio & Beta are calculated on Annualised basis using 3 years history of monthly returns. Definitions Standard deviation measures historical volatility. A high standard deviation suggests high volatility, while lower standard deviation would refer to more stability. Beta is ...
These studies showed that a 1:1 combination of CBD and ∆9-THC was statistically more effective at increasing the G1 cell population, compared with either CBD or ∆9-THC treatment alone [61], effects not antagonised via the use of the CB2R antagonist, AM630...
and drought tolerance, in addition to a long (for boreal climate)/short (Mediterranean climate) photoperiod and vernalization sensitivity makes them promising cultivars for a projected future climate compared to other genotypes and confers better yield with a lower inter-annual yield var...