with its intricate world-building and detailed histories of lands populated with elves, hobbits and wizards, threatened by the malevolent Sauron, had, by the time of the interview, already become a bestseller and a
“The fictional theater company is taking on a much more ambitious production, with flying, crocodiles and a revolving stage, and they put on the play with the same disastrous results,” Lewis said. “You get more behind the scenes into what’s going on with the characters, as well as al...
Tax-Free Residence Sale refers to selling your home in a way that circumvents the capital gain tax. Before 1997, if a seller used the money from their house sale to buy a new, more expensive home within two years, they did not have to pay taxes on the property sale. In the past, ...
If, at a later date and with sufficient justification, the Commission resubmits for public review and comment an amended Proposed Rule that is more appropriately targeted to achieve the Commission's regulatory objectives, such an amended Proposed Rule (i) should not require banks to segregate ...
as amended ● "U.S. dollars," "dollars," "US$" and "$" are to the legal currency of the United States; and ● "variable interest entities" or "VIEs" are to variable interest entities whose financial statements were included in our historical consolidated financial statements for the fiscal...
(35), 115-O, 115-R, 115BBDA. To allow expenses like interest to be deducted from dividend income, Schedule OS has been amended. Furthermore, schedule OS has been updated with a new row that includes information on dividend income being taxable in the hands of the unitholders of business...
The Bank has systematically amended the policies and procedures in order to comply with regulatory requirements and adjusted to market changes. The amendments include system operating procedures and fair value measurements, etc.. During the Reporting Period, the Bank continued to improve the construction...
Its terms of reference were amended on 28 December 2022 and are available on the websites of the Company and the Stock Exchange. 董事局委員會 提名委員會 本公司已成立了提名委員會(「提名委員會」), 並遵照守則條文第B.3.1段以書面釐定其職權範 圍.其職權範圍於2022年12月28日獲修訂,及 可於本...
on Thursday, 21 June 2018 "Articles of Association" means the articles of association of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (as amended from time to time) "A Share(s)" "Bank" means the domestic share(s) of par value of RMB1.00 each in the share capital of ordinary shares of the Bank...
Such term was amended on 1 January 2009 to three years from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011. The chartering of Hai Feng Lian Fa was conducted in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Company with the charter fee being determined based on the relevant prevailing market rates....