File Allocation Methods Contiguous allocation File occupies contiguous blocks on disk Extent(s) allowed (Bacon, extent lists) Linked Allocation File is a linked list of data blocks (Bacon, chaining in the media) Linked list is saved separately as a block DOS, File Allocation Table (FAT) (Bacon...
FAT(File Allocation Table)文件系统 FAT(FileAllocationSystem)文件系统 文件系统是操作系统用于明确文件系统磁盘或分区上的文件的方法和数据结构;即在磁盘上组织文件的方法。也指用于存储文件的磁盘或分区,或文件系统种类。讲解内容 ••••硬盘的物理结构硬盘的逻辑结构磁盘引导原理FAT分区原理 一.硬盘的物理...
File-SystemStructureFile-SystemImplementationDirectoryImplementationAllocationMethodsFree-SpaceManagementEfficiencyandPerformanceRecoveryLog-StructuredFileSystemsNFSExample:WAFLFileSystem 11.3 11.1File-SystemStructure Filestructure LogicalstorageunitCollectionofrelated...
180// allocations/de-allocation when building linked-lists. 181 182// Now stream particle transfer tuples directly into PstreamBuffers. 183// Use a local cache of UOPstream wrappers for the formatters 184// (since there are potentially many particles being shifted about). ...
Similarly, when discussing data access methods from the reference point of a z/OS platform, local refers to those access methods. Contrast with remote. partner Refers to complementary information or function on a remote platform. For example, the ability of DFM to conduct a network conversation ...
Allocation Methods ? Free-Space Management ? Efficiency and Performance ? Recovery ? Log-Structured File Systems ? NFS ? Example: WAFL File System 11.3 11.1 File-System Structure ? File structure ? Logical storage unit ? Collection of related information ? File system resides on secondary storage ...
–Read File Operation – (Internal OS View) –File Allocation Methods 1/16/2015 31 1/16/2015 32 File Concepts • Files • Directory structures • Partitions (possible) • File Concept: OS abstracts from the physical properties of its storage device to define a ...
ownedcontentdocument ownerchangeoptioninfo packagelicense packagepusherror packagepushjob packagepushrequest packagesubscriber participant partner partnerfundallocation partnerfundclaim partnerfundrequest partnermarketingbudget partnernetworkconnection partnernetworkrecordconnection partnernetwork...
AllocationMethods Free-SpaceManagement EfficiencyandPerformance Recovery Log-StructuredFileSystems-omitfornow NFS-omitfornow AnnotatedforusewithSilberschatz’sbookusedduring CS350,Fall03 Instructor'sannotationinblue Lastupdated12/4/03+ Silberschatz,GalvinandGagne2002 12.2OperatingSystemConcepts File-SystemStructure...