Event Details展開表格 Product: Windows Operating System ID: 1295 Source: BINLSVC Version: 6.0 Symbolic Name: E_BINL_BCD_ADD_TO_COMBINED_BCD_FAILED Message: An error occurred while trying to add the information in BCD file %1 to the combined BCD file %2. Error Information...
it's been because of the IIS lock (see previous post:SharePoint Exception Errors: Event ID 6398, Event ID 6482, Event ID 7076). However, this was a different error description.
timer.start(60, this); void Widget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { if (event->timerId() == timer.timerId()) { //处理定时操作 } else { QWidget::timerEvent(event); } } 二、成员函数 1、bool isActive() 计时器是否正在运行。 2、void start(int msec, QObject *object) 以毫秒超时...
HRESULT WINAPI DlpAuditFileAccessEvent(_In_z_ LPCWSTR filePath, _In_z_ LPCWSTR url, DlpEnforcementLevel enforcmentLevel, BOOLEAN userBypass, _In_ DlpTraceInfo* traceInfo); 参数filePath [in]:要分析 的文件的完全限定的 Win32 文件路径。url...
Event ID: 258 Task Category: RBAC Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer:ComputerName Description: (Process 8820, PID w3wp.exe)"RemotePS Public API Func GetApplicationPrivateData throws Exception Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.SetupV...
fileio.access access(path: string, mode?: number): Promise<void> 检查当前进程是否可访问某文件,使用Promise异步回调。 系统能力:SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO 参数: 参数名 类型 必填 说明 path string 是 待访问文件的应用沙箱路径。 mode number 否 访问文件时的选项,可给定如...
此API 即將淘汰。 請改為呼叫DlpAuditOperationEnforcementEventEx。 為指定的檔案產生 ETW 事件,並允許提供該強制執行事件的商務理由。 語法 C++ HRESULT WINAPIDlpAuditFileAccessEvent(_In_z_ LPCWSTR filePath, _In_z_ LPCWSTR url, DlpEnforcementLevel enforcmentLevel, BOOLEAN userBypass, _In_ DlpTraceInfo*...
Event ID: 258 Task Category: RBAC Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer:ComputerName Description: (Process 8820, PID w3wp.exe)"RemotePS Public API Func GetApplicationPrivateData throws Exception Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.SetupVersionInformationCorruptException: Unable to determine the ...
fs.access access(path: string): Promise<boolean> 检查文件是否存在,使用Promise异步回调。 系统能力:SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO 参数: 参数名 类型 必填 说明 path string 是 文件应用沙箱路径。 返回值: 类型 说明 Promise<boolean> Promise对象。返回boolean,表示文件是否存在。 错误码...
Error: AADSTS90020: The SAML 1.1 Assertion is missing ImmutableID of the user. Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point. Error: Source Iphlpsvc, Event ID 4202 Error:0xC004F025 Access Denied: the requested action requires elevated privil...