针对你提出的“file data.dta not found”问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和建议: 确认data.dta文件的存在性: 首先,请确保data.dta文件确实存在于你的计算机上。你可以通过文件资源管理器搜索该文件,或者在命令行中使用dir命令(在Windows中)或ls命令(在Unix/Linux/macOS中)来查找文件。 检查data.dta文件的路径是否...
熵值法file data.dta not found-概述说明以及解释 1.引言 1.1概述 熵值法是一种用于评估和分析系统中复杂程度或不确定性的方法。在信息论中,熵值被定义为系统的混乱度或不确定度的量度。熵值法通过计算系统中各种因素的权重和重要性,帮助我们理解系统内部的关联和影响,为决策提供依据。 在现代社会和管理实践中,...
false); String str="好好学习Java"; byte[] words=str.getBytes("UTF-8"); fos.write(words,0,words.length); System.out.println("hello文件已更新"); } catch (FileNotFound
Windows Server R2 RAC Environment, which has the Oracle version, later upgraded to Oracle version, restart the computer discovery dtabase failed to start, the analysis steps are as follows: 1 Enter cmd: Set Oracle_home=e:\app\ Set Oracle_sid=sid_name 2 using Sqlplus/as...
The information is not specified in the spooled file data stream. The font used in the spooled file could not be found.The possible values are:*DEVD PSF/400 is to use the value specified on the font resolution for formatting parameter in the PSF configuration object. The PSF configuration ...
regress gp100m weight foreing variable foreing not found r(111); . end of do-file The do "/tmp/. . ." command is how Stata executes the commands in the Do-file Editor. Stata saves the commands from a do-file with unsaved changes to a temporary file and issues the do ...
/usr/sap/dta/<file name> or C:\DTA\<file name> Note Depending on the operating system used (for example, Unix), you should consider the difference between upper and lower case when specifying the file name. i can't imagine trying to make it work without the financial in...
den 23 januari 2008 15:13 To: 'statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu' Subject: outreg2 and r(601) file C:\Documents.dta not found Dear Statlist, I have encountered a problem when using the (latest) outreg2 ado in batchmode. The error message is r(601); file C:\Documents.dta not found...
(CPF2817) CMPDTA(CPF2802) + EXEC(SNDPGMMSG TOPGMQ(*EXT) + MSG('File NOFILE in NOLIB not found')) ENDPGM Any error other than from-file not found, including any other error reported with a CPF2817 escape message, causes a check in this program because the MONMSG command applies ...
Thank you very much for the logs, I believe I may have found the cause, Please can you Download this file Extract it Go into vscode and select the command Extensions: Install from VSIX Reload vscode when prompted to do so Try to replicate the issue (it shoudl work) If not, plese prov...