As a result, Harry managed to take information from Slughorn about the Horcruxes Voldemort created in order to become immortal, and how he could destroy them.[77] Filch had been looking for someone to clear out his old punishment files, and when Severus Snape put Harry Potter in detention ...
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Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger. " “跟我来吧,费尔奇。”他对费尔奇说,“还有你们,波特先生、韦斯莱先生、格兰杰小姐。” 5. out of his face. Wherever he was, Filch must know a shortcut, because his soft, greasy voice was getting nearer. 哈利觉得自己脸上顿时失去了血色。不...
Filch's office is a small room with a single oil lamping hanging from the ceiling. It smells of fried fish. 费尔奇的办公室是一间天花板上吊着一盏油灯、充斥着烤鱼气味的小屋。 Filch's pasty face went brick red. Harry braced himself for a tidal wave of fury. 费尔奇苍白的脸一下子变得通红...
Nonetheless,Filchis at least able to use wizarding devices that have their own innate magic, such as the Secrecy Sensor used in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. 儘管如此,飛七至少能夠使用自己的天賦魔法,例如在《混血王子的背叛》中使用的秘密感應器。
Prop Idols: We Filch Souvenirs from the Set, Say Harry Potter StarsTHEY'VE spent a decade working on the Harry Potter films, madetens of millions of pounds, and...By Rob ParsonsLouise Jury is the official home of Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, and the Wizarding World, formerly known as Pottermore. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital and its parent company Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World...
Brands Collections Press Releases Experiences Shop No Results Found Now Available on Digital and 4k uhd blu-ray Movies Harry Potter 8-Film Collection Watch It About Watch It Available On – Digital Buy - On Disc About Genres Action/Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi/Fantasy...
Nonetheless,Filchis at least able to use wizarding devices that have their own innate magic, such as the Secrecy Sensor used in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. 儘管如此,飛七至少能夠使用自己的天賦魔法,例如在《混血王子的背叛》中使用的秘密感應器。
Also features 27 microfigures: Harry PotterTM, Ron Professor SnapeTM, Professor McGonagallTM, Remus Lupin, Professor Dolores UmbridgeTM, Argus Filch, Lord VoldemortTM, Bellatrix Lestrange, 3 students from each of the 4 houses, 2 chess pieces and the Architect of HogwartsTM statue and 5 Demen...