BatteriesIncluded Stop rebuilding the same UI over and over and over and over and over Panel Builder Build a Laravel admin panel, customer-facing app, SaaS, or anything you can imagine! Form Builder Easily build stunning Livewire-powered forms with over 25 components out of...
认证和授权: Filament PHP 提供了灵活的认证和授权机制,用于管理用户身份验证和访问权限。测试和部署: Filament PHP 应用程序提供了非常方便的测试方法,你可以保证程序的健壮性,同时,它也提供了一键部署功能,你可以轻松地将代码部署到生产环境中。优势和特点 简单易用: Filament PHP 框架的设计简单直观,易于学习...
66666642 声望
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. - filamentphp/filament
filamentphp 用了一段时间技巧分享 7 7 8 Mumujin 的个人博客 / 92 / 8 / 创建于 6个月前 / 更新于 5个月前 Logo 使用视图模版$panel->brandLogo( fn () => view( LogoStyle::preview( // isRand: true // 可设置随机 theme:LogoStyle::Deconstructed ), [ 'brandName' => $general->app...
应用程序/模型/PrivateFilesWrapper.phpclass PrivateFilesWrapper extends Model { use HasFactory; use Sushi; public function getRows(): array { $files = Storage::disk('private_disk')->allFiles(); $rows = Arr::map($files, function (string $value, string $key) { $size = Storage::disk('...
FilamentPHP 选择输入编辑问题描述 投票:0回答:1嘿亚, 我正在研究 Select Forms\Components\Select::make('roles')->options(function (){ $roles = Role::pluck('name'); $filtered_roles = $roles->filter(fn($role)=>$role!='super_admin'); return $filtered_roles; })->searchable()->preload()... MAIL_FROM_NAME="${APP_NAME}" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET= AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=false FLARE_KEY= PUSHER_APP_ID= PUSHER_APP_KEY= PUSHER_APP_SECRET= PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=mt1 VITE_...
Tips & TricksforFilamentPHP Boost your FilamentPHP skills with helpful tips and code snippets from fellow developers in the Filament community. Nuff said, let see it Recently Added Tricks Make Filament table Headers sticky using CSS By: Prageeth Peiris ...
弄了一個filamentphp 後臺初始化模板,方面快速使用,不用每次新起專案做重複的配置與操作,解放雙手,喜歡就用,不喜勿噴! 所有配置成功之後訪問可能會出現如下錯誤,這是 filamentphp 規則所致,只需要修改RoleResource與PermissionResource中的$navigationIcon設定為空即可 ...