Unfortunately, that’s not really an option when it comes to filament for your 3D printer. Will that roll of orange from Hatchbox actually match the orange from Overture?That’s where the Filament Librarian comes in. Created by [Joe Kaufeld], the project aims to catalog and photograph as ...
If you’reinto 3D printing, then you probably have several spools of filament lying around. It turns out, however, that lying around may not necessarily be the best place for it. Whilst PLA filament isn’t as affected by moisture as some other types, if it’s stored in humid conditions,...
3D printers can produce not only plastic doodads and high-tech oodles machine parts but also all types of exotic creations, starting from prostheses to edibles. And with the best PETG filament, you will have long-lasting and sturdy prints. The low shrink
The parts come out very strong, and even have a tiny bit of flex when compared to other nylons. One of the main problems with previous nylon filament was the moisture issue. Bridge nylon has over-come this and does not suck in moisture, making it easy to print with, durable, and very...
Use a pet hair dryer that can heat above 40 ℃/104 ℉. Considering the health of your pet, this method is not suitable for drying filaments that may produce toxic substances, either. Put the filament on the Heated Bed of your 3D printer, cover it with a box, then set the desired...
"The outside edges of my parts have lots of little bumps on them." Make sure your printer is getting enough data. If printing from a computer, ensure that the computer is not too busy to feed the printer commands. If the printer is pausing it is usually due to the printer being too...
On Sale from¥29.28¥43.92 On Sale Electrically Conductive Composite PLA ¥51.24 1.75mm 50g Coil500g Spool1kg spool2kg Spool 50g Coil Add to cart This product is out of stock, but you can still order it. Have you ever wanted to create something with your 3D printer that includes ele...
Shut out everything that's going on in the world. Close your eyes and think about your favorite holiday... Endless Exploration EX5 (November 2024) Dissipative Filaments for ESD Applications Nov 01, 2024 The title is not so witty, so let's get down to the nitty gritty. This month we ...
Hint: the below image is a prime example of hownotto store your filaments. The truth is that leaving them out in the open pretty much guarantees contact with moisture, which could ruin the printed product. Vacuum Bags There are many storage solutions available for your filaments but a signifi...
What does this have to do with 3D printing? A release date hasn’t been announced, but sometime this year Adam Beane Industries will be coming out with a Cx5 filament. Not much detail has been provided yet regarding printing conditions or which printers will be compatible, but it looks li...