I found a bug in Filament on Laravel 11 where, when my users table uses UUIDs for the id column and I have the HasUuids trait in my model, I am unable to log in to the panel without checking "Remember Me." However, if I check "Remember Me," the login works fine. When I use...
We have Laravel and Filament configured and ready to go. In the next lesson, we will create our first Filament Resource -Customer. ERRORCommand"filament:install"isnotdefined.Didyoumeanoneofthese?⇂filament:check-translations⇂filament:upgrade⇂forms:install⇂migrate:install⇂notifications:install...
1.1 创建新的 Laravel 项目 如果尚未创建 Laravel 项目,可以使用 Composer 创建一个新项目: composer create-project laravel/laravel cms-system 进入项目目录: cd cms-system 1.2 设置数据库连接 在.env文件中配置数据库连接: DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=cms_system DB_US...
nwidart/laravel-modules 11.x If you are using Laravel 10 please use version 3.x instead. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require coolsam/modules:^4 This will automatically install nwidart/laravel-modules: ^11 as well. Make sure you go through the documentation...
Marden 未填写
First, install via composer 1composer require jeffgreco13/filament-breezy Next, change the default Filament login to use Breezy in config/filament.php 1"auth" => [ 2 "guard" => env("FILAMENT_AUTH_GUARD", "web"), 3 "pages" => [ 4 "login" => 5 \JeffGreco13\FilamentBreezy\Http\...
Forest Admin for Laravel 3. Conclusion Types of Laravel admin panels Before diving in, let’s have a quick look at different types of Laravel admin panels because it is important to differentiate back-endCRUD interfacesfrom visual builders andadmin panel templates. ...
To import images from a public URL within a Laravel Filament Import action, you can indeed use thefillRecordUsingmethod to handle the image download and storage. Here's a step-by-step solution to achieve this: Install Required Packages: Ensure you have theguzzlehttp/guzzlepackage in...
Forest Admin for Laravel 3. Conclusion Types of Laravel admin panels Before diving in, let’s have a quick look at different types of Laravel admin panels because it is important to differentiate back-endCRUD interfacesfrom visual builders andadmin panel templates. ...
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as: Simple, fast routi...