Fiji Exam Results 2018 and the latest news from Ministry of Education Exam Results Fiji 2018 Check Year 6, Year 8, Year 10, Year 12 and Year 13 Examination Results Online and release date.
Year 13 students who do not meet the entry requirements for a degree programme can still study a TVET course at FNU with a minimum Year 12 mark of 200/400. Year 12 students can also apply while waiting for their external examination results. Semester 1 studies Applications for Semester 1, ...
Fiji School Leaving Certificate (FSLC): This is a national examination taken by students completing Year 12 (Form 6) in Fiji. It serves as a qualification for further education, including entry into universities and other tertiary institutions in Fiji. General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanc...
Over the last year, there has been an increase in the out-migration of nurses, leading to burnout and a need for more access to qualified health workers in rural Fiji [8]. Our study found that the shortage of nurses in primary healthcare settings poses a challenge to the supervision proce...
disparities in examination performance; the impact of multiracialism on academic performance of indigenous Fijians in schools; the impact of school and class size and pupil:teacher ratios on educational performance; the role of junior secondary schools in improving academic performance at Year 8 level...
Approximately 500 participants were enrolled each year from each of the following age groups: 5–8-week-old infants, 12–23-month-old children, 2–6-year-old children, and their caregivers. We calculated sample size on the basis of an anticipated 50% decrease in PCV10 serotype carriage ...
(above) A few times per year 71/1877 3.8% 2/373 0.5% (above) Monthly (or close to monthly) 215/1877 12% 7/373 1.9% (above) More often than once a month 558/1877 30% 110/373 30% (above) Shyness and wish for a female health care provider Feel shy or reluctant to discuss ...
Only neonates and juveniles (YOY and 1+ year) were caught in the RD throughout the study period. The characterisation of the neonates and juveniles was based on their total length (TL) as well as on the status of their umbilical scars12(Supplementary TableS1). Significant differences in stan...
Using ICT in the form of e-governance could yield great benefits in the reform and modernization of the public sector. The experience of e-governance in a number of developed and developing countries has shown that ICT can be a tool for greater service d