As we have come to expect when it comes to FiiO, the interior of the X3 second gen is very well designed and filled with high-quality components. It uses Ingenic's JZ4760B with XBurst technology at 600 megahertz, which is characterized by excellent performance and low power consumption. To...
Customers with old X3 can buy this new X3 (2nd gen) at a special price with 20% off from the real retail price (199.99USD), namely 159.99USD with freight paid ((by UPS, FedEx, DHL or other express). Target customers: Customers with X3(1st gen) (from abroad outside China). The ...
Simply put, the X3 2ndgen and new X5 2nd gen may natively decode DSD files and DSD ISOs but not those that are compressed in the DST format. DST ISOs and files have the same extension as DSD ISOs and files (.iso and .dsf/.dff respectively), so it is not easy to tell which forma...
New playlists compatible with the X5 2nd gen/X3MKIII/X3 2nd gen/X1 2nd gen/X1/X3/X5 may be created using foobar and a text editor as follows: 1. Connect the SD card for the X5 2nd gen/X3MKIII/X3 2nd gen/X1 2nd gen/X1/X3/X5 to the computer (e.g. by connecting the X5 2nd ...
4.Full list of album art, lyrics and tag info supported by theX3 2nd gen A: Full list of album art, lyrics and tag info supported by the X3 2nd gen
X3 2nd Gen $150 For all of the massive leaps in technological capability that ground the 2nd gen into dust then so must we also consider the X3 2nd gen as a constant apparition in the same rearview mirror. It is that far behind it is not even worth considering unless you simply have ...
For giveaway 19 we are giving away the famous Fiio X7II portable player. That's a +$600 USD Prize! This is your shot to own the Fiio X7ii for free!
2. Can it connect to my smartphone so that I can stream tidal or Spotify? Thank you. GuyInPittsburgh 510 Oct 30, 2019 oldnoob 75 Oct 30, 2019 Marcus22687 313 Oct 30, 2019 Headfonics review of the FiiO X1 II
(The first person to post a picture of the X3 1st gen, 2nd gen and the X5 all connected to the same computer and running as DAC may win a prize?? )
As such, the device as a whole honestly feels more like a marginal evolution of the X1ii, rather than that of theX3 2nd Gen. By no means is this to say that the X3iii is a bad device. Not even close. It’s just that there are more options, better options out there when taking...