1、这是由于部分电脑的电源管理策略不同引起 请在控制面板\硬件和声音\电源选项\编辑计划设置中,将USB设置的“USB选择性暂停设置”设置为己禁用,并重启电脑。 2、若还是卡顿,则尝试在电源选项\编辑计划中,将PCI Express/链接状态电源管理/关闭使用电池选项。 3、如果实在解决不了可以先用免驱模式,卸载DAC驱动和ASI...
27、如何在Windows电脑上烧录X5III的固件? 请注意:烧录将会清空机器内置存储数据,如机器内置存储里有重要数据,请先备份后烧录。烧录X7, X5III和X7MKII固件的操作步骤基本相同,如有不同的地方,教程里会特别指出。 X7-FW3.3.0烧录包下载:点击这里 X5III-FW1.1.4烧录包下载:点击这里 X7MKII-FW1.0.0烧录包下载:点...
How to uninstall the present version:Go to "Settings -> About device-> Kernel version", and continually tap "Kernel version" until there is the prompt to uninstall FiiO Music app. Then please reboot the device to complete the uninstallation of this app. Here is the download link about the...
bringing a big upgrade to the FiiO Music app as well as some improvements to the operating system. FiiO Music has now included many new features such as FiiO Link, HWA transmission, and WiFi song transfer. Moreover, we have added the AirPlay receiver ...
Step 3, play the song on the computer using the music app First select K3 as the output device in the playback settings of the playback software. Take FB2000 as an example. Appendix document 2 is for reference. Then play the music and adjust the power/volume knob to the appropriate vol...
However, using it with a laptop or desktop system, I found software incompatibility with Apple Music in Windows 11. Even if I lower the volume in the app, it doesn’t seem to lower the actual listening levels. I’ve only found this issue with the FiiO JA11 when doing A/B comparisons...
Not only can it support most digital music formats and Bluetooth wireless codecs, but you can use the BTR17 with a PC, Android device, iPhone, iOS, or Chromebook. Amplification The amplification setup seems similar to what’s found on myM11 Proand recently reviewedKA17. The BTR17 employs ...
2. Added full-screen album cover display and spectrum display (can be set in FiiO Music settings -> Theme -> Now playing menu); Note: In the spectrum display mode, click the title or artist display area activate the time progress bar; switch to the lyric page and then return to the ...
1. XMOS firmware can only be upgraded using Windows computers and cannot be upgraded using MAC ...
FiiO KA5 USB DAC Headphone Amp dongle Volume Control PCM 768kHz DSD 256 Headphone Outputs 3.5mm/4.4mm for Android/iOS/Mac/Windows. Save with TempoTec Sonata BHD Pro 1-Channel Headphone Amplifier with USB C DAC, 4.4mm...