1.手机播放软件设置,如果有USB输出需要打开,有些设备是关闭了USB输出才有声音 2.确认手机开发者模式开启了USB调试 手机端需要打开USB调试,打开“开发者选项”,然后打开“USB调试”或“OTG”功能 3.确认转接线用的是官方配送的OTG 双C线,线是否接反,是有方向指示 4.由于目前各品牌手机USB音频并未统一规范,FiiO并...
Fiio K3 用户手册说明书K3 Complete User manual 1、Product introduction K3 is a multi-function USB DAC for PC-HiFi. Being connected to a computer, it can work such as USB decoding, USB digital interface, audio decoding and amplification, etc. Product features: ●Dual USB AUDIO mode ●...
最近,FiiO新推出了全新的口袋型DAC耳扩 K3,虽然尺寸袖珍,但是2.5mm平衡式耳扩输出、增益、低音加强以及DSD播放功能都可以支持,还搭载了最新的USB Type-C端子,功能规格相当吸引人。 K3采用多数发烧厂商选择的XMOS USB接收芯片,还有32位的AKM AK4452双声道DAC,透过插拔不具备方向性的USB Type-C端子,DSD音档透过DoP...
1、USB AUDIO 1.0 是不需要安装驱动,即插即用;但是最高支持96k/24bit; 2、USB AUDIO 2.0 是需要安装FiiO官方DAC驱动才能正常使用,最高支持384k/32bit和DSD256。 ꂃPrevious:null ꁹNext:null Copyright © FIIO. All right reserved.粤ICP备07072214号...
The PCM supports up to 384k/32bit; DSD supports up to Native DSD256. [Why is the DSD256 not supported in DoP mode when the K3s is decoding a player?] Due to the limitation of the player itself, the DoP output only supports DSD128 at the highest. DSD256 can only be supported in ...
Equipped with an XMOS USB receiver chip, the new K3 is capable of decoding up to 384kHz/32bit PCM and native DSD256 - the same as many DACs costing much more. The new K3's dual crystal oscillators ensure that any digital audio signals being fed into the DAC are exactly correct for ...
评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.0 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 飞傲(FiiO) K3 V2紧凑型桌面USB-C DAC和耳机放大器耳放用于计算机、iOS设备 黑色 该商品已下柜,欢迎挑选其他商品! 相似商品推荐 加载中,请稍候... ...
3、规格表列的是主要规格,有的东西体现不出来,主要的规格我列一下: CPU是ATJ2129,这是原来炬力分家后炬芯的一款还非常新的专门用于HIFI播放器和录音笔的32bit mips架构芯片,但公开资料非常少,详细就不太清楚了。DAC则是CS42L51,这颗CIRRUS的芯片有些岁数了...或者成熟稳定?但后续PO主测试24bit 96kHz兼容不佳...
We have a two-in-one from FiiO as we look at the recently launched FD3 in-ear monitors and New K3 desktop USB DAC/amplifier. The FD3 uses a single dynamic driver for each channel and has a lot of trickle-down tech from the more expensive FD5. The New K3 updates the DAC with ...
Related:What is a USB DAC? Front Panel Front of the K3. Pictured top is the old E10K. On the front are your volume pot, balanced jack, unbalanced jack, bass boost, and gain switch. I hardly ever use the bass boost feature, but your mileage may vary. ...