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The knob-based control scheme of the SR11 does have a learning curve, but audiophiles who are accustomed to the controls of the K11 siblings should be well-versed in how it works. The included remote control is a nice touch. However, it comes with a learning curve as well. The inclusion...
Iwouldsay go with theK5 Proif you’re not planning to use balanced headphones, but there’s simply no reason to buy it anymore since the K11 has a balanced output and is $20 cheaper. As of now, my top 2 recommendations in this series are the K7 BT and K11. If you don’t need ...
FiiO K11 Desktop 1400W Power Balanced Headphone DAC & Amplifier 384kHz/24Bit DSD256 for Home Audio/PC 6.35mm/4.4mm/RCA/Coaxial/Optical (Silver) Link2 Bal Portable USB DAC & Balanced Headphone Amplifier 3.5mm Headphone O...
提及当前商品【性价比入门大耳台式组合】说说飞傲FT1+K11R2R 眼瞅着就要到了2024的Q4,大半年下来,才子伴乐谈写了不少分享,飞傲的份额可能是各个厂牌里面最高的,前三季度他们“按部就班”推出了一系列新品,远高于其他国内品牌。今天要说的主角,是他们近期推出的两款 相关选购指南Hi-Fi控:为何同价位耳机间听感完...
Disclaimer: The Fiio FH1, F9 and F9Pro IEMs were sent to us free of charge in exchange for a review, we’re reusing them here for the video. Fiio IEMs – Episode 12 In the video below, Berkhan shows you the latest Fiio IEMs and he talks about the differences between the models...