一、安装USB DAC通用驱动 准备工作: Win7下需要先更新系统补丁或禁用Windows驱动强制签名,详细教程为文章最后的附录;Win8/Win8.1/Win10可直接安装。 (因为新版驱动证书WIN7默认不识别,而WIN8/WIN10则默认识别,所以Win系统下需要禁用驱动签名,或者更新系统补丁后正常安装,下载地址:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/...
But the Windows "Fiio USB Control Panel"doesn't recognize the device. The BTR15 works in PC ...
Windows Media Player If you are using the likes of Windows 10 media player for source playback then I can tell you that the BTR1 device playback controls do work for playback and pause but not for forwarding and backward track selection. You can independently control volume on Windows and ...
Option 1: FiiO provides the firmware to users. Users can find a computer with win10 or win11 system and flash the K9 AKM to the PID of the old model. Option 2: FiiO provides firmware and operation tutorials to users. Users follow the instructions on their win7 computers to crack the dr...
nor with the provided USB-Lightning cable. Same with my MacBook and computer: each time, the FiiO Q11 was immediately recognized by the source, and music came out almost instantly. On Windows, I had to wait a minute, until the OS got the right driver but after that, it worked flawless...
一、安装USB DAC通用驱动 准备工作: Win7下需要先更新系统补丁或禁用Windows驱动强制签名,详细教程见该文章最后的附录;Win8/Win8.1/Win10可直接安装。 (因为新版驱动证书WIN7默认不识别,而WIN8/WIN10则默认识别,所以Win系统下需要禁用驱动签名,或者更新系统补丁后正常安装,下载地址: https://www.microsoft.com/en...
Installing drivers to work with Windows was incredibly painless, I simply downloaded them from the FiiO website, ran the setup.exe and when I plugged in the Q5 it connected immediately. They also offer a download of foobar2000 with instructions of how to set it up, but I use JRiver as ...
2.Update Windows 7 for acceptingSHA256 certificates Our driver package is signed with a SHA256 certificate. Windows 8 and 10 accept this SHA256 certificate by default. On Windows 7 Microsoft has released a patch to also accept SHA256 certificates. You will get it through Windows update or you...
一、安装USB DAC通用驱动 准备工作: Win7下需要先更新系统补丁或禁用Windows驱动强制签名,详细教程为:点击查看;Win8/Win8.1/Win10可直接安装。 (因为新版驱动证书WIN7默认不识别,而WIN8/WIN10则默认识别,所以Win系统下需要禁用驱动签名,或者更新系统补丁后正常安装,下载地址:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downl...
一、安装USB DAC通用驱动 准备工作: Win7下需要先更新系统补丁或禁用Windows驱动强制签名,详细教程见该文章最后的附录;Win8/Win8.1/Win10可直接安装。 (因为新版驱动证书WIN7默认不识别,而WIN8/WIN10则默认识别,所以Win系统下需要禁用驱动签名,或者更新系统补丁后正常安装,下载地址: https://www.microsoft.com/en...