在FII 和 DII 之间,FII 更像是所谓的“热钱”,即投资以获得短期利润并在经济形势发生变化时迅速撤回的资金。在印度,DII 是更稳定的投资者,如只做多头的共同基金,当 FII 大量抛售时,往往会以折扣价购买证券。 对于印度市场,可以从 NSE 和 NSDL 网站免费获取 FII/DII 活动数据。或者数据供应商也可以提供这些数据。
fii_dii 前两列分别表示Nifty 50中FII和DII的月度净(买进卖出)投资。最后一列显示了当月最后一天Nifty所处的关卡。下面对Nifty中FII/DII的交易进行可视化,代码如下: # plotting and visualising FII/DII data ax = fii_dii[['net FII buy/sell', 'net DII buy/sell']].plot(figsize=(15,7),color=['re...
My thirst for statistics has been increasing. IV had another requirement, which would eventually be useful to me as well. He currently downloads FII and DII buy and sell values and its impact on Nifty manually in Excel. He suggested me to try and automate this process in R. Wow! Some m...
My thirst for statistics has been increasing. IV had another requirement, which would eventually be useful to me as well. He currently downloads FII and DII buy and sell values and its impact on Nifty manually in Excel. He suggested me to try and automate this process in R. Wow! Some m...