Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test has been applied for the stationery of the data bi variate correlation depicts the relationship between the select variables like FII, DII, NIFTY, Rupee Vs Dollar. Granger causality test indicated on Johnson co integration tested data of FII with NIFTY and DEFT...
in its edible parts, was 0.01% of the total number of larvae recovered in the infected fish [our unpublished data]. Since in this human case and in other reports, the medical histories of the patients indicated prior consumption of marinated anchovies, we infer that this sea-food preparation...
pegreffii sequences present in the database. Histopathological observations of anisakid nematode specimens detected on the liver surface of M. merluccius are illustrated. Encapsulated specimens of the L3 stage of the nematode were similar in size and morphometry to those found into the peritoneal ...
in its edible parts, was 0.01% of the total number of larvae recovered in the infected fish [our unpublished data]. Since in this human case and in other reports, the medical histories of the patients indicated prior consumption of marinated anchovies, we infer that this sea-food preparation...