Coming Soon!
In this proof of concept for an upcoming narrative audio drama series, "Figuring It Out", we follow Kamila, a will stop at nothing in order to succeed screenwriter, who grapples with the pressures of her Polish family’s expectations while pursuing ultimate dreams of making it in the enterta...
Is the multiverse a scientific hypothesis, or is it rather a philosophical speculation disguised as science? This paper offers a review of the recent and still ongoing controversy concerning the multiverse, emphasizing its foundational nature and relation to philosophical issues. It also compares the ...
Hosted by Jennifer Sanchez, Figuring It Out is a bilingual talk show featuring honest conversations and stories from both guests and myself. We try to find the balance between responsibilities and passions while also staying present in life in a fast-paced world. If you find yourself juggling ...
In light of recent debates about the culture of contemporary science and the place of women in scientific fields, Figuring It Out: Science, Gender, and Visual Culture offers a timely consideration of the role of gender in the imagery of modern Western science. Representing a wide array of inte...
In this proof of concept for an upcoming narrative audio drama series, "Figuring It Out", we follow Kamila, a will stop at nothing in order to succeed screenwriter, who grapples with the pressures of her Polish family’s expectations while pursuing ultimate dreams of making it in the enterta...
Figuring it out. Br Dent J 145, 61–62 (1978). Download citation Published01 August 1978 Issue Date01 August 1978 DOI Springer Nature Limited Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be ...
• For the next few weeks or more, our grandson’s elementary school is offering online learning only. I am excited to be a part of this. It’s been 1 day so far and I am impressed as to the resources that are given out to those of us home-schooling these students. Our grandson...
Advantages of direct experience to learning; Significance of the use of senses to enhance the learning experience; Lack of basis of the figures associated with the Cone of Experience theory.Little, BobE Learning Age
It is recommended that the pro forma template is used to create specific documents for each bridge. The use of the ECD to evaluate the BCIs is described.doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4804119R.R.Cole,G.C.SkerrittBr Dent JBritish Dental Journal