Posted in assonance Tagged definitions, elocutio, example, figures of speech, rhetoric, trope Assumptio Posted on February 10, 2025 | Leave a comment Assumptio (as-sump’-ti’o): The introduction of a point to be considered, especially an extraneous argument. See proslepsis (When para...
16.Irony17.Sarcasm18.Satire19.Ridicule20.Innuendo21.Parody22.Climax23.Anti-climax24.Alliteration25.Assonance26.Onomatopoeia27.Transferredepithet28.Pun29.Parallelism30.Repetition Majorfiguresofspeechinpoetry Simile直喻 Simileisafigureofspeechwhichmakesacomparisonbetweentwounlikeelementshavingatleastone...
Assonance(半谐音,押韵) assonance is the repetition of vowel( sounds元音). Onomatopoeia(拟声;声喻法) (pronounced: onno-motto-pay-uh) Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which the sound of a word echoes the thing it describes. It is a form of symbolism in sound. Example of onomatopoeia...
Speech5.1 Phonetic Figures of Speec 语音辞格)5.2 Semantic Figures of Speec 语义辞格)5.3 Logical Figures of Speech 逻辑辞格)5.4 Syntactic Figures of Speech 句法辞格)5.1 Phonetic Figures of Speech5.1.1 Alliteration (头韵)It has to do with the sound rather tha n the sense of words for effect. ...
1、Figures of speechIn Poetry DefinitionnFigures of speech are forms of expression that depart from normal word or sentence order or from the common literal meanings of words, for the purpose of achieving a special effect.the chief functions of figures of speechn to embellish, to emphasize or...
IV.ClassificationofFiguresofSpeech HowmanyfiguresofspeecharethereinEnglish?Itisdifficulttobepreciseabouthowmanyfiguresexistedinclassicaltimes.Thenumbersrangefrom65to200ormore.HereI‘llonlyintroducethosethatareofmostuniversalappeal,andofthegreatestpracticalvalue.Thefiguresofspeecharecommonlydividedintothreecategories:A....
5.3 Logical Figures of Speech (逻辑辞格) 5.4 Syntactic Figures of Speech (句法辞格) 5.1 Phonetic Figures of Speech 5.1.1 Alliteration(头韵) It has to do with the sound rather than the sense of words foreffect. It is a device that repeats the same sound at frequent intervals(间隔) and si...
Definition Figures of speech are forms of expression that depart from normal word or sentence order or from the common literal meanings of words, for the purpose of achieving a special effect. the chief functions of figures of speech to embellish, to emphasize or to clarify. to give tone or... of speech An expression that uses language in a nonliteral way, such as a metaphor or synecdoche, or in a structured or unusual way, such as anaphora or chiasmus, or that employs sounds, such as alliteration or assonance, to achieve a rhetorical effect. ...
1、figures of speech are forms of expression that depart from normal word or sentence order or from the common literal meanings of words, for the purpose of achieving a special effect. in everyday speech and writing and in literature the chief functions of figures of speech are probably to ...