The spectators were silent; and Julian entered into a metaphysical argument with the philosophers Priscus and Maximus on the nature of the soul. The efforts of which he made, of the mind as well as body, most probably hastened his death.” Dominant Ti and Inferior Fe. Blind Se, ...
dependent limitations on scientists’ insight into the diversity of their group. In arguing for these claims and analyzing DD detection, I will focus a type of DD that strikes me as intriguing but has so far been largely overlooked in philosophical research: While philosophers working on diversity...
He knew the arguments that some of the Romantics made against ‘dead religion’ and he challenged their rejection of religion and wrote the famous book ‘On religion- speeches to its cultured despisers’ in 1799. The book was targeted toward his fellow academics in the universities of Germany w...
Nearing the end of the Tudor Dynasty, philosophers like Sir Thomas More and Sir Francis Bacon published their own ideas about humanity and the aspects of a perfect society, pushing the limits of metacognition at that time. As England abolished its astrologers and alchemists, it came closer to ...
Part of what makes it difficult to find aconsensusamong philosophers about the definition of theirdisciplineis precisely that they have frequently come to it from different fields, with different interests and concerns, and that they therefore have different areas of experience upon which they find ...
In contrast to philosophers, “theologians” (e.g., the 8th-century-bce Greek poets Hesiod and Homer, the cultic servants of the oracle at Delphi, and the rhetoricians of the Roman cult of emperor worship) testified to and proclaimed that which they viewed as divine. Theology thus became ...