We provide an analytical approximation of a periodic solution of the three body problem in celestial mechanics, the so-called figure eight solution, discovered 1993 by C. Moore. This approximation has the form of a Fourier series whose components are in turn Taylor series w. r. t. some param...
4+16a ball paRk figure = a rough estimate, a guess, an approximationSirReaL Post a response Discussion María Teresa Taylor OliverJun 1, 2006 Ballpark figure: A ballpark figure is an estimate. If the estimate is "in range", it is "in the ballpark"; if it is "out of range" it is ...
The transport calculations were done by solving Boltzmann transport equation78 within the constant scattering time approximation (CSTA)78,79 as implemented in the BoltzTraP code80. References 1. Gatti, C., Bertini, L., Blake, N. P. & Iversen, B. B. Guest-framework interaction in type I ...
While some study of ternary rare earth semiconducting compounds aimed at thermoelectric applications has been carried out29,30,31a detailed investigation of materials properties that are essential for highZTis still elusive. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the thermoelectric properties...
Taylor, J.: Constructions and conjectures in crystalline nondifferential geometry. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Differential Geometry, Pitman, London, vol. 52, pp. 321–336 (1991) Evans, L.C., Spruck, J.: Motion of level-sets by mean curvature I. J. Differential Geometry 33...
This ensures that liquid in excess dropped out of the structure to guarantee that the analyte thickness approximately coincided with d2. Figure 1. (a,b): sketch of the steps for the preparation of the capped metagrid (CMG) sample with analyte. (c): Measurement setup configuration and section...