figure of speech(修辞手法):“Metaphor is a common figure of speech in poetry.” go figure(表示惊讶或无奈):“He quit his job to travel alone—go figure!” 通过上述分类,可更精准地根据语境选择“figure”的释义及搭配,避免歧义。
(W. Churchill)11) antithesis对仗对仗 A figure of speech in which sharply contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in a balanced or parallel phrase or gram 17、matical structure. 对偶对偶(contrast+parallelism) John Drydens description in “The Hind (female red deer )and the Panther (a leopard) ”: ...
In an increasingly digital age where much of our communication happens through written text the judicious use of figures of speech is more important than ever. They help us to forge meaningful connections bridge divides and make our ideas come alive on the page or screen. From poetry to social...
Figure of Speech a means of arranging the syntax of language in order to intensify the emotional expressiveness or the imperative force of an utterance. Figures of speech are used in everyday conversation, in journalism, and in literary language, particularly in poetry. Figures of speech have bee...
This figure of speech is often used in poetry but can also enhance the flow and harmony of prose. Phrases like "big brown bear" or"silent snowy night" demonstrate alliteration's ability to create a catchy and memorable rhythm. Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech that uses words that imitate...
Personification is one of the most beautiful figures of speech in poetry and it is via this power of imagination that the poet gives life and dynamicity to inanimate objects and by this mental and perceptual relationship with nature and surrounding world, he injects human spirit and ...
Figures of speech In Poetry Definition Figures of speech are forms of expression that depart from normal word or sentence order or from the common literal meanings of words, for the purpose of achieving a special effect. the chief functions of figures of speech to embellish, to empha...
Log in Join Poetry+Glossary Home Figurative Language Cite This Page Figure of Speech A figure of speech is created when a writer uses figurative language or that which has another meaning other than its basic definition.The effect of this figurative language might make an idea or image easier ...
Figures of speech are commonly used in literature, poetry, and everyday communication to make language more interesting and compelling. Types of Figures of Speech There are numerous types of figures of speech, each serving a different purpose in language. Some common types include: 1. Simile: A...
Many figures of speech originated in oral storytelling andpoetry. What is a Figure of Speech? Understanding Figures of Speech A figure of speech is a departure from the ordinary use of language to enhance its impact. Also referred to as a rhetorical figure, it alters a statement from its lit...