LaTeX has the provision for inserting a figure from an external file in different formats. In this Hour, the insertion of external figures in different forms are discussed, such as simple figures, side-by-side figures, sub-numbering a group of figures, figure wrapped by texts, rotated figure...
It's better to load the setspace package and to execute \setstretch{1.2} in the preamble. When changing font sizes for a single line, be sure to end the line with \par in order to get the fontsize-appropriate amount of vertical whitespace below the line. If the minipage enviro...
This could imply that the actual float insertion could happen far beyond your reference. Instead, you can use the following generic approach: ... <reference> \afterpage{ <figure> } ... where <figure> uses the [H] float specifier in order to be placed exactly where it is called...
2 Annotated Table of Contents in LaTeX 1 Alphabetical ToC counter 4 Table of Contents with dotted underline in html 4 adding space after section numbers in TOC 0 How to bold the text in TOC, but not the dot leader not the page number? 3 Formatting unnumbered chapte...
The insertion method is uncomplicated and it preserves the integrity of the bottle without creating a seam. It is accomplished by our means of insertion, using a vinyl, PVC, rubber, latex or other polymer "squeezable" figure, compressed into a compact form. The figure is twisted, or rolled...
This seems to be due to the insertion of a section title. Thus I propose this code: \input{insbox.tex} \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc,trees,positioning,arrows,chains,shapes.geometric, decorations.pathreplacing,decorations.pathmorphing,shapes, ...
By the way utf8 has been the default also for pdflatex for a few years. I'd not load setspace with acmart. Beware that verbatim modes respect initial spaces on lines, as shown in the example (see the verbatim in the body). EDIT How to do the special formatting?...