而在某些情况下,我们可能需要在一张主图中嵌套其他的小图,以更好地展示数据的对比或关联。在Latex中,我们可以使用Subfig和subfigure宏包来实现这一功能。 首先,我们需要明确Subfig和subfigure两个宏包的区别。Subfig宏包是较新的选择,它在功能和使用上都比subfigure更为强大和灵活。而subfigure宏包则较为老旧,其使用...
Latex之figure的嵌套:Subfig与subfigure 在论文中经常有一个figure内含有其他小的figure,这时就要使用一些宏包。 subfigure是比较老的了,目前通用的是subfig,两个包在使用的时候用法不同,千万不要混淆了。不然莫名其妙的报错根本不知道是怎么回事。 例: subfig \begin{figure}[tbp] \centering \subfloat[Arabic numeral...
使用latex的subfigure竖排图形 注意要使用宏包\usepackage{graphicx}和\usepackage{subfigure},IEEE给的模板是图形横排,subfigure不支持\\换行,有人用minipage放在subfigure{}中,在minipage{}里换行 AI检测代码解析 \begin{figure} \centering \subfigure[the first subfigure]{ \begin{minipage}[b]{0.2\textwidth} ...
Latex之figure的嵌套:Subfig与subfigure Latex之figure的嵌套:Subfig与subfigure 在论⽂中经常有⼀个figure内含有其他⼩的figure,这时就要使⽤⼀些宏包。subfigure是⽐较⽼的了,⽬前通⽤的是subfig,两个包在使⽤的时候⽤法不同,千万不要混淆了。不然莫名其妙的报错根本不知道是怎么回事。例:subf...
求助,figure*..figure*环境 用来插入通栏公式子图需要subfigure宏包但是一起用的时候编译过不去,求大神帮忙自己顶每人吗(a)XXX (b) XXXFig. 1 blablalbla...
I have these two subfigures in a figure environment. I am unable to keep them inside the margin of my document. Any help will be great. Thanks \begin{figure}[H] \medskip \begin{subfigure}[t]{.4\textwidth} \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance={15mm}, thick, main/.style = {draw, cir...
Learn how to insert images and caption them. Examples for a single figure, and multiple figures next to each other, using the subfigure environment. Captioned images / figures in LaTeX From time to time, it’s necessary to add pictures to your documents. Using LaTeX all pictures will be ind...
12 LaTeX Error: File subfigure.sty not found 3 Align columns in multiple subfigure tables in figure environment 8 subfigure numbering in subfigure environment (subcaption package) 14 Use \captionof in conjunction with \subfigure? 34 Controlling subfigure captions and subfigure placement 1 LyX to...
https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/134633/figure-references-in-tufte-book We are using ShareLatex for writing and compiling. Does anybody have an idea what is going wrong? I had the same issue using pdflatex. I solved it by removing the subfigure package. Even if it not used it creat...
Re: Latex questiuon (figure) #2 Dingxi Wang Guest Posts: n/a use subfigure to group two more figures together August 21, 2007, 13:22 Re: Latex questiuon (figure) #3 Harish Guest Posts: n/a There is a counter variable which defines how you define figure numbers and in what format...