The aim was to evaluate the applicability of the Draw-a-Person with a Story (DAP-S) test considering the understanding of children with learning disabilities. Twenty children from the third grade of a Public Elementary School in So Paulo-SP, identified by th...
The test of drawing the human figure has been traditionally used to study development features in children between 4 and 12 years. Our aim was to assess the retrogenesis through this test in degenerative cognitive impairment. 30 patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type, 20 with m...
Desenho da figura humanaThis study aims at examining the presence of emotional indicators in the Draw-A- Person Test (DAP), employing the Koppitz Scoring System, in transplanted and healthy children comparing them according to their gender. Forty-seven transplanted andhealthy children aged - ...
Conductas problemas infantiles: Indicadores evolutivos y emocionales en el dibujo de la figura humana, Dibujo de la figura humanaConductas problemas infantiles, Human figure drawingChildren's behavior problems, ArtículoThe Human Figure Drawing test (HFD) was been used to compare drawings of children...
The first study had the Draw-a-Person test as a measure of intelligence; 294 children were assessed during 1980 decade, whilst 203 were assessed during the 2000 decade. The second study used the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices. A total of 562 chi...
ACTUALIZACIONES EN EL ANÁLISIS DE ÍTEMES MADURATIVOS DEL DIBUJO DE LA FIGURA HUMANA EN NIÑOS ESCOLARIZADOS DE BUENOS AIRES. (Spanish).The Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD Good-enough & Harris, 1926) is a psychometric scale developed to measure individual evolution of conceptual maturity ...
Estudio comparativo entre los aspectos clínicos, electroencefalográficos y la prueba del dibujo de la figura humana en el niño epilépticoNineteen patients were studied in an attempt to correlate clinical data with the EEG findings and the results of the "Drawing-a-person test" of Good...