Adobe XD in other tools like Sketch or Figma. In those cases our converter falls back to the underlying shapes and detaches the component instance from it's parent. It's important to mention that we only do this when it's simply impossible to convert the component in the target design ...
🎨📲✨🧑💻 Figma Convert to .xml / .xib 📝 ✂️ copy ui 👌 is a tool for exporting design elements from and generating files to a projects iOS .xib / Android .xml swiftconverteriosdesignimagegeneratorcomponentviewxmltextxibandroid-studioandroid-drawablesfigma-apixcod...
Information on how to install it can be found in the asset's manual. Figma Converter for Unity: • Preserves the hierarchy of the Figma project; • Imports PNG, JPG and SVG files; • Creates 9-Sliced sprites; • Creates prefabs; • Downloads TTF fonts and creates TextMeshPro fon...
I hope that has been interesting for anyone who's trying to figure out how to get this WebP image format out of Figma directly, without having to export JPG and PNG files first, then find an online converter or find some command line tool to do this for you every time. If you do ne...