如果你支付不起Convertify的订阅费,这里还可以使用另外一个插件——Pixso to AE,它是在线UI设计工具Pixso提供的免费插件,能帮助设计师将Figma或Pixso设计文件快速导入到动效软件After Effects中,从而提高设计效率。 在线UI设计工具Pixso简介 在线UI设计工具Pixso,可以看成是中国版的Figma,原生中文语言,克服了用户使用Figma...
方法二:使用 Convertify Figma to Sketch 插件 Convertify Figma to Sketch 插件不仅支持将 Figma 转换为 Sketch 文件,还支持导出 Adobe XD 和 After Effects 格式。在 Figma 文件中直接打开插件,点击 Convert 按钮即可将当前的 Figma 文件导出为 Sketch 格式。这种方式较为便捷,主要内容也可还原,但实际的导出效...
1991年收购了Premiere,1994年收购After Effects,而大名鼎鼎的Photoshop便是在1995年收购来的…… 还有2005年,Adobe以30多亿美元收购了「最大竞争对手」——界面设计工具Macromedia Fireworks,并在2013年死在了Adobe手上。 如此细数下来,Adobe的代表性产品,仅有Illustrator是自己做的。 设计界的EA? 要说近年来Adobe的...
Toheya 00:00 34 好用的Figma插件合集(二)1、Effects:2D、3D 工具 2、Design System Hub:设计系统 3、Automator:Figma 增效 4、Placemark Globe:矢量地图 5、Tangent:形状吸附 6、Circular Clone:克隆圆矩阵 7、Warp Tools:扭曲圆形 8、SkewDat:倾斜工具 #ui设计 #设计分享 #视觉设计 #figma #figma插件 @...
在设计软件Figma中,模糊值通常用来指定图层或对象的模糊程度。而在AE(Adobe After Effects)中,也有类似的模糊效果,通常用来制作动画或者视觉效果。在Figma中,模糊值是以像素为单位的,可以通过调整模糊值来改变对象的模糊程度,值越大,模糊程度越高。而在AE中,模糊值也是以像素为单位的,可以通过调整模糊值来改变图层的...
Figmotion is an animation tool built right in Figma. This makes the entry into animation easier and more convenient as there is no need to switch to a completely separate motion tool such as Principle, Haiku or After Effects. Figmotion makes the animation hand-off to developers more manageable...
现在假设您要对元素的旋转进行动画处理,首先在可设置动画的属性列表中找到旋转线,然后单击关键帧按钮(看起来像菱形,就像在After Effects中一样)。 在Figmotion中添加关键帧 我们可以清理时间轴,也可以只使用0ms,100ms,200ms链接(是的,这些标签是可单击的链接),然后通过单击与上述屏幕截图相同的关键帧按钮来创建另一...
Select any of your shapes and generate super cool effects that can be used in brand material, blog post images or wherever it makes sense. Use the different settings to create exactly what you think is cool. More by this creator Remove Background Simple ChatGPT Plugin Figma Translator - powe...
I always get the same behavior: the assets from Figma are exported to wherever I point from After Effects but the compositions are never created. Another thing I see on the Figma console is this flag: Access to fetch at 'https://api.sprig.com/sdk/1/visitors/5f735553-2722-4604-996d-01...
Who has access to Figma’s AI features? Are Figma’s AI features free? Where can I learn more about Figma's AI policies? What are Figma's AI features based on? Product Figma Design FigJam Dev Mode Figma Slides Release notes What’s new ...