4. Release the Shift key. Once connected, the plugin establishes a flow connection between the two components. Customize the connector settings, such as size, color, corner radius, and stroke cap, to align with your design requirements. The connectors stick to the components even when moved or...
Plugin for Figma/FigJam 👉download Pre-defined templates There's also a FigJam version availablehere. In addition to the free version of the kit, the paid version of the productlinkoffers a wealth of additional resources to enhance your UX design process. This includes 140 cards for creating ...
Link Whisper –Internal Link Tool For SEO WordPress Plugin:Link Whisper 是一款內部連結工具,旨在簡化 SEO 連結的建立,幫助網站在 Google 上獲得更好排名。它利用人工智慧自動建議相關內部連結,並能快速識別缺乏連結的舊文章。使用者可以根據指定的關鍵字自動建立連結,並獲得詳細的連結報告,便於管理網站結構和修復斷...
"Flowkit—the new plugin for user flows, content maps, screen annotations, and more." Dropbox Design Dropbox "Props to my man @mds for making Flowkit so easy to use to make diagrams..." Dan Mall Superfriendly "I just bought Flowkit. This is gonna save so much time when I need to ...
Please DM @davidtzhao on Twitter or email autoflowplugin@gmail.com for inquiries, support, and all else! Read more More like this Superconnector — Automatically draw FigJam Connectors in Figma Smart Route Diagram Connector Version history
获取链接:https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/733902567457592893/autoflow 8、LottieFiles LottieFiles 插件是一款专为插入和编辑动态矢量动画而设计的工具,允许设计师在 Figma 中轻松浏览、导入并使用 Lottie 动画。它能帮助设计稿更生动直观,同时与开发团队无缝衔接,是动效设计师的理想选择。
16、Autoflow 网站链接:https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/733902567457592893 超好用的交互串联插件。可以一键实现界面之间的连线关系,选择链接的界面按 shift 就能自动加连线了。17、Blobs 网站链接:https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/739208439270091369 超好用的背景随机生成插件,自然美观。18、Find ...
Builder.io for Figma: AI generation, export to code, import from web reactchrome-extensionhtmldesign-systemsangulartypescriptvuesveltestorybookfigmadesign-toolsno-codefigma-pluginsdesign-to-codefigma-pluginjsx-lite UpdatedJan 14, 2025 TypeScript ...
https://js.design/community?category=plugin&source=bjh&plan=yzbjh23017 以下所有的插件都可以去 Figma.cool 进行下载👇 1、Color Palettes 这是一个非常常用且易用的配色方案生成和管理工具,它本身自带超过1500 款生动活泼有效的配色方案,同时以易于理解的命名帮你存储,便于调用。2、Autoflow Autoflow 是...
First,sign up for Figmaand explore the intuitive user interface. Start a new project and familiarize yourself with thedesign tools,panels, andworkspaces. Dive intoFigma tutorialsto get the basics. Begin by creating simplewireframesto understand the flow. ...