Portfolio templates Resume templates Assets Illustrations Icons Shapes & colors Plugins Editing & effects Transform your colors, images, text, and more File organization Get “type A” files and layers Development Speed up your handoff, process, and implementation Widgets Useful tools that run right i...
figma.com/@joeyAbout I'm unbelievably excited to share this year's iOS 15 UI Kit on the Figma Community, where my goal was to include everything one might need to begin designing. Months of fun, nerdy, creating went into this and every component has been recreated and refactored to now...
存储iOS UI套件(Figma)适合所有iPhone的高质量模板。 下载内容: 6个适用于11 Pro Max,11 Pro,11,Xs Max,Xr,X,Xs,8,SE iPhone的iOS Premium模板 520+个图标 组织良好的文件 100%向量,完全可扩展且可自定义 8像素网格 免费字体Lato&Lora 完美像素质量 适合所有iPhone 兼容性:Figma...
https://www.figma.com/resources/ Material Design Kit 高质量且响应式的 Material Design UI Kit https://ui-kit.co/ iOS Design Kit 适用于 iPhone XS 和 iPhone 8 的 iOS 12 的组件 https://iosdesignkit.io/ios-12-gui/
很棒的iOS UI套件-导航卷 1(Figma), 适合所有iPhone的高质量模板。 下载内容: 6个iPhone Xs Max,Xr,X,Xs和6个iPhone SE iOS Premium模板 520+个图标 组织良好的文件 100%向量,完全可扩展且可自定义 8像素网格 免费字体Lato …
一套二手交易平台app ui kit界面设计模板,一个用户友好、易于访问的产品交换平台,可以连接“重用”热情的消费者。在 Kyda,您可以找到和交易从科技到家居...
iOS平台社交类APP应用交互界面设计UI套件Figma模板v2 Awesome iOS UI Kit – Social Media Vol. 2 (Figma) 超赞iOS用户界面套件-社交媒体第二卷(figma),对设计和移动应用程序开发充满热情的用户界面工具包。高质量的模板将完全适合所有iPhone。 下载内容:
高品质多用途APP应用UI界面设计Figma版本 Prisma UI Kit – SKETCH Version 该工具包包括70多个基于矢量的设计元素,每个屏幕和组件都是为任何项目精心创建的,并且很容易定制。 素材特点: 70+高级iOS屏幕 7个分类 完全可定制的 适用于iOS 12和iPhone X 容易改变颜色风格...
一套高质量的多用途app UI Kit设计figma模板,总共有50个精美的页面,250多个设计组件,包含10个类别的页面:注册、登录、欢迎、头条新闻、商品推荐...
Hi Design community! Our design team recreated the recently announced Apple Widgets from iOS 14 in Figma for you. The goal of this UI kit template file is to help you kick start your designs and prototypes. We hope it is helpful! Let us know if you sp