When you run this plugin, it looks through all your selection colors, and if there are any that aren't yet saved fill styles (or color styles, orPaint Stylesas they're officially called), it saves them with the name of the element that has that fill. This means you can make a lot ...
#color styles plugins and files from Figma. Explore, install and use files and plugins on Figma Community.
用 iconify 来处理搭建原型阶段的图标需求再好不过,也省去了打开 iconfont 网页找图标的麻烦。 ▲ 图片来源 :https://www.uisdc.com/figma-plugin B. Chroma colors Chroma colors 可以通过选中多个对象快速创建 Color styles,省去了为每个颜色手动创建 style 的重复劳动,在搭建组件库初期帮助很大。能够很好的让你...
用 iconify 来处理搭建原型阶段的图标需求再好不过,也省去了打开 iconfont 网页找图标的麻烦。 ▲ 图片来源 :https://www.uisdc.com/figma-plugin B. Chroma colors Chroma colors 可以通过选中多个对象快速创建 Color styles,省去了为每个颜色手动创建 style 的重复劳动,在搭建组件库初期帮助很大。能够很好的让你...
△ Color Blind 设计系统类插件 1. Roller · Design Linter · Toybox Roller 是一款样式自动检查工具,通过添加或导入 styles 后,可以以此为基准校验文件内使用的颜色、字体样式、阴影、圆角大小是否符合设计规范,以保证设计产出完全对齐规范。不过 Roller 有个很大的问题,其本身不支持 rgba,希望后续会有优化。
Chroma colors 可以通过选中多个对象快速创建 Color styles,省去了为每个颜色手动创建 style 的重复劳动,在搭建组件库初期帮助很大。 Chroma colors 以上推荐的插件均为笔者日常工作会用到的一些功能和体验不错的插件,其实还有很多优秀的插件可以推荐,比如官方人员出品的 Themer,可以一键切换主题;自动生成视觉焦点图的 Vis...
A Figma plugin for creating bulk color styles from selection. How to use Simply select any objects that have a fill color, run the plugin, and it will generate the color styles for you automatically. The color style name will be the same as your layer name. You can also add a "/" ...
![Iconify for Figma - color styles](https://iconify.github.io/iconify-figma/samples/color-styles.png)Behavior:- Works when importing icon, works when using drag/drop. - When replacing icon, color value is ignored. Instead, plugin will reuse color or color style from old icon....
Useful Figma plugins that will help you fix all the little slowdowns and boost your productivity. From color management and image assets to SVG shapes and animation. Whether you’re just starting out with Figma or have been using it for a good while now,
Editing Flexibility: In UXPin, component instances (copies of the original component) can have overridden properties, such as text or color, without affecting the master component. However, updates to the master component will propagate to all instances unless specific properties have been overridden....