As you might suspect, I have thought about how classes might gain cross-class training. For example, how do you handle a sorcerer wishing to gain training in a sword or a warrior wishing to gain training in a spell? The approach I favor is simple, but must wait for a future post. Wa...
Eldritch Knight 5e Wargamer has a dedicated guide to playing theEldritch Knight 5e subclass: here’s the essential information you need to use the class. Spellcasting Eldritch Knights are Intelligence-based spellcasters that get access to abjuration and evocationWizard Spells– these are the spells ...
The Eldritch Knight works as a sort of wizard, fighter cross-over with more of a focus on melee fighting than a Warlock would have. The player gains two cantrips and three first level spells from the wizard spell list. Two of the first level spells that a player can pick are more spec...
Defensive Roll(Ex):The Amalgam Fighter can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. When she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the Amalgam Fighte...