It's a philosophy that has served them well. Just consider thecommercialwhere Martha Stewart is a serial killer chopping off hands to make candles — not exactly something that would go over well in a standard marketing pitch. Liquid Death has done more than reinvent the better-for-you bevera...
during which time the Japanese island of Iwo Jima was taken over by the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy. After the invasion of Germany, WWII officially ended when President Harry Truman ordered the atomic bombs to be dropped on Japan in August 1945. Overall, the U.S. suffered almost half ...
Why does Jimmy Johns do this? Because they have power over their workers and are answerable to no one. So, having the power, they abuse it. As HuffPost reported in August, Jimmy John’s workers recently brought two lawsuits accusing the company of engaging inwage theft byforcing employees ...