His salary cut substantially, and summoned to a hearing next week. The pilots could face further disciplinary action for speaking to us which is why this man was seated just off to the side throughout the interview. He's Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, an Air Force pilot himself, ...
If a business agrees to hire an individual through this program, the program will be able to reimburse for on-the-job training at 100% of the employee salary. The business is en- couraged to retain the individual in permanent em- ployment at the end of the training period. Busi- nes...
1. Social Security would have to be supported by more affluent people,which it is not.Even the FICA tax, which ostensibly supports SS, is collected mostly from medium-to-lowersalariedpeople — and only fromthe first $160Kof salary. I wonder whether Mr. Buffett collects any salary at all. ...
Many of these men and women are perfectly nice people. But the hypocrisy has been so normalized I don’t think most of them even see it. Disney itself is uniquely placed to lead us out of this quagmire if its management so choose. Disney led when it offeredbenefits to same-sex partners...
5.SALARY FOR ATTENDING SCHOOL Even were schooling to be completely free, many young people cannot attend, because they and their families cannot afford to support non-workers.In a foundering boat, everyone needs to bail, and no one can take time off for study. ...