Were my soul trembling on the wing of eternity, were this hand freezing to death, were my voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember the truth: God has given America to be free. — Patrick Henry 9 Self pity becomes...
You know how sometimes you're listening to this song, and though you didn't design the lyrics it seems like it was written by you, or for yo 分享5赞 歌特吧 madmozart 【音乐】Dies Irae歌词翻译响应号角的号召,以及联动猫友友的神文:<Devil Doll- DIES IRAE的一次深入分析> 比起最初的歌词,...
歌曲: (I'Ll Take My Gun To The...) Knife FightI am vibration like the sun. The Earth the moon the chosen oneUntil a thousand wars are won. Our battles rage til we are doneAn inclination to believe. Theres so much more we cannot seeYour blinded eyes still strive to see. ...
“I really like 'Get In The Ring' which was written for our friend Erick Redbeard the pro wrestler as an 'entrance' song for him," comments guitarist Olavi Mikkonen on the latest Amon Amarth track. "The lyrics are obviously written to fit both Viking and wrestling themes,"...
And biblical lyrics yeah yeah Fight for us jesus Victory in jesus name No one can take that away I call on that great day to fight my battles everyday No fear now god's got me because of jesus we are free For us he fights for us we both will rise If god is fighting for us The...
so everything seemed to be falling into place. guys with blond hair and blue eyes were never my type. i did think he was very handsome… a wonderful jawline...great teeth. but what intrigued me most about bob was his complexity. you never quite know what he’s thinking. many people ...
Maybe we can reach al CIAda through my speech Let the president answer our high anarchy Strap him with a AK-47, let him go fight his own war Let him impress daddy that way No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our own soil No more psychological warfare to ...
Along with its implications for the way in which the music industry exploits musicians, there’s a lot that artists can learn from Swift’s legal battles. Although it’s a small start, they can educate themselves about the music industry, especially when it comes to not signing any agreements...
“Before I began my filmmaking career, I never thought the song was owned by anyone," Jennifer Nelson, the filmmaker who made the movie, toldThe New York Times. "I thought it belonged to everyone.” Nelson isfeaturedin this morning's edition of theNYT,holding a 1924 songbook called "Harv...
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