Fight Club: Directed by David Fincher. With Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Meat Loaf, Zach Grenier. An insomniac office worker and a devil-may-care soap maker form an underground fight club that evolves into much more.
when he begins the fight club—a gruesome late-night sport in which men beat each other up as partial initiation into Durden's bigger scheme: a supersecret strike group to carry out his wilder ideas. Durden finances his scheme with a soap-making business that secretly steals its main ingredi...
Tyler moves Jack past support groups by devising fight clubs, where emasculated men bond by punching one another until numbness gives way to feeling. Tyler says a fight club is for guys “who work at jobs they hate to buy things they don’t need;” in a scene of gleeful malice, he ...
20. The film was not a hit. Fincher, sensing what was coming, took off for Bali during its opening weekend to get away from the numbers. It opened at No. 1 with an $11 million haul, but all the talk aboutFight Club, which cost $65 million to make, deterred rather than drew peop...
Everyone remembers how Tyler Durden makes his soap - stolen fat from the liposuction clinic. In the scene where they go to steal the fat they alert the attention of the security guard (more on this later) and hide behind a dumpster marked "infectious waste". To be more specific, the cont...
How to find the "Fight Club Freak on a Rampage" Easter Egg in Fight Club. Okey dokey here goes Brad Pitt's Character appears sveral times before he's actually introduced. 1. Edward Norton's character is making copies of some sort when a dingl
a ticking-time-bomb of an insomniac office worker who is looking for a radical way to change his life. He sure finds it. Brad Pitt also stars as Tyler Durden, the slippery devil-may-care soap maker/ salesman whom Norton encounters. They form an illegal underground fight club and the glov...
By the time a print of this movie had shipped from the West Coast theaters to the East Coast theaters, the nude scene was gone. Once projectionist took a frame. Another projectionist took a frame. Everybody wanted to make a naked slide of Angie Dickinson. Porno got into the theaters and...
With enough soap, one could blow up the world, if one were so inclined. Tyler SNAPS the briefcase shut. Jack stares. JACK Tyler, you are by far the most interesting "single-serving" friend I've ever met. Tyler stares back. Jack, enjoying his own chance to be witty, leans closer to...
By the time a print of this movie had shipped from the West Coast theaters to the East Coast theaters, the nude scene was gone. Once projectionist took a frame. Another projectionist took a frame. Everybody wanted to make a naked slide of Angie Dickinson. Porno got into the theaters and...