战斗或逃跑反应(Fight-or-flight response) 战斗或逃跑反应(Fight-or-flight response),心理学、生理学名词,为1929年美国心理学家怀特·坎农(Walter Cannon,1871-1945)所创建,其发现机体经一系列的神经和腺体反应将被引发应激,使躯体做好防御、挣扎或者逃跑的准备。 基本资料 这种应激反应的中心位于丘脑下部,包括了许...
几乎所有人都已经知道了“战或逃反应(fight-flight response)”——那是在感觉生命受到威胁时,动物(包括人类)的自然反应。 相对而言,比较不为人知的是战斗-逃跑-急冻反应(fight-flight-freeze response)。多出来的这个反应说的是当我们在一些极端情况下,遭遇的威胁超出了自己的应对能力之外,被吓得像突然冻僵了一样...
What is fight or flight response? Learn about the fight or flight response, understand what triggers it, and see examples of both fight and flight responses. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What is Fight or Flight? The Sympathetic Nervous System Fight or Flight Triggers Fight or ...
The fight and flight response is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival. I decided to test the question how this fight and flight response effects the body. How it effects the card...
Sometimes, the fight-or-flight response isn’t necessarily accurate. Because it happens automatically, your body may be triggered to respond even when there is no physical threat. When this occurs, the triggering event is considered to be a perceived stressor. Some examples of this are...
But dangers don’t have to be physical. Modern life is filled with obligations, pressures, and responsibilities that can create psychological or mental stress. These are emotionally charged but non-life-threatening situations that trigger the same fight-or flight response. Examples include: ...
fight or flight response [医]或战或逃反应(生物应付威胁时的生理反应)[例句]The person then relaxes , and this fight or flight response stops.此人于是就会放松心态,应激反应就此中止。
Fight-or-Flight Response The fight- or- flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs when something that is terrifying appears, either mentally or physically. The response is triggered by the release of hormones (激素) that prepare your...
In a state of heightened awareness, you subconsciously ready your arms and legs to defend yourself or sprint to safety. Regardless of your choice, this ensures that your body is primed to react quickly and effectively. Read Fight or Flight Response | Definition, Triggers & Examples Lesson ...
What is fawn response? Fight, flight, freeze, and fawn By Dr. Kristi Leimgruber, PhD October 4, 2024 - 12 MIN READ Jump to section What is fawn response?What causes someone to develop the fawn response?Fawn response examples How do you fix a fawn response?Heal your fawn response to ...