7. fight a good fight:进行了一场公正的战斗,尽力而为,例如:Even though he didn't win, he fought a good fight. 8. fight off:击退,抵御,例如:The villagers fought off the attackers. 9. fight through:奋力穿过,克服困难,例如:The rescue team fought through the heavy snow to reach the stranded...
fight的短语搭配 1. fight against:表示与…斗争,表现对抗态度。2. fight for:为…而战,表现为守护者的态度。3. fight back:反击,回击,协助自身保护。4. fight off:击退,击败,夺取胜利。5. fight tooth and nail:拼死拼活,千方百计地斗争。6. fight fire with fire:以牙还牙,以暴制暴。7. ...
Final Fight:经典格斗游戏名称。 Arbian Fight/Feather Fight:特定文化作品中的战斗主题。 三、多义短语辨析与扩展用法 fight back vs. fight off fight back:主动反击(如回应攻击)。 例句:The company fought back with a lawsuit. fight off:抵御或摆脱(如疾病、困意)。 例句:She took...
关于“fight”这个单词,它有非常丰富的短语搭配,以下是八种常见的短语搭配: fight against:表示“与……做斗争”,强调对抗或抵抗的意味。例如,“She has been fighting against cancer for years.”(她多年来一直在与癌症作斗争。) fight for:表示“为……而战”,强调为某个目标、权利或理想而战斗。例如,“The...
“fight”的短语搭配丰富,涵盖不同场景与含义,主要包括动词短语、固定搭配及特定场景下的用法。以下是常见短语的分类解析: 一、动词+介词组合 fight about 表示“因……争吵”,强调冲突的原因。 例:They fought about money again.(他们再次因钱争吵。) fight against 指“对抗”具体对...
fight的短语有: 1.fight a losing battle 注定失败;徒劳 他徒劳地想要止住泪水。 he was fighting a losing battle to stem the tears. 2.make a fight of it 奋力抵抗 毫无疑问,联队在下半场奋起抵抗了。 United certainly made a fight of it in the second half. 3.fight or flight 或进或退;要么拼...
作斗争 fight over 因……而打斗 fight back 反击,克制 fight down 忍住,抑制 fight off 击退 fight out 通过斗争解决(争端)fight shy of 避开 make a fight of it (put up a fight)进行到底 分析总结。 而打斗fightback反击克制fightdown忍住抑制fightoff击退fightout通过斗争解决争端fightshyof避开makeafight...
48个与“fight”相关的短语 🥊 关于 “fight”🥊 fight for sth争取获得某物,为…而战 fight against对抗;反对;与……作斗争 fight with sb与某人并肩作战 fight back回击;抵抗 fight it out据理力争;一决雌雄 fight on继续战斗 fight off击退;排斥;竭力避免 fight fire with fire以火攻火;以毒攻毒 fig...